maslianok / react-resize-detector

A Cross-Browser, Event-based, Element Resize Detection for React
MIT License
1.25k stars 91 forks source link

TypeError: window.ResizeObserver is not a constructor #217

Closed JESii closed 2 years ago

JESii commented 2 years ago

I am getting this error on roughly 35% of my tests -- just as was described in issue #145 package.json

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    "test:testcafe": "testcafe chrome -s takeOnFails=true src/tests/pages/",
    "test:all": "yarn test; yarn lint; yarn test:testcafe # Run the whole 9 yards!",
    "test:all:base": "yarn test; yarn lint; yarn test:tc:base # Run tests required for prerelease testing",
    "test:list": "cat package.json | grep '\"test'",
    "test:tc": "testcafe chrome -s takeOnFails=true src/tests/pages/ # Run sames tests as for test:tc:all",
    "test:tc:all": "testcafe chrome -s takeOnFails=true src/tests/pages/ # Run all testcafe tests",
    "test:tc:one": "testcafe chrome -s takeOnFails=true # Run a single test, entered as the last parameter",
    "test:tc:base": "testcafe chrome -s takeOnFails=true src/tests/pages/coverPage.js src/tests/pages/portfolioPage.js src/tests/pages/assetClassPages.js # Run sames tests as in CI/CD pipeline",
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    "test:tc:headless": "testcafe chromium:headless -s takeOnFails=true src/tests/pages/coverPage.js --reporter spec,xunit:report.xml",
    "test:tc:ci": "testcafe chromium:headless src/tests/pages/coverPage.js -s path=results/screenshots,takeOnFails=true -S --reporter nunit3:report.xml",
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I did the usual rm -rf node_modules, clear cache, yarn install multiple times to no effect. At one time I was getting a huge package.json diff with almost every @babel module being updated. I finally resolved the issue -- on my local machine --by going back to the previous commit, doing yarn install there, and then switching to the problem PR without doing a yarn install... makes no sense but now it seems to be working.

However, it's still failing in the CI/CD pipeline -- about 180 tests -- so still an issue. Upon inspection, many but not all of them are associated with displaying graphs

Semigradsky commented 2 years ago

@JESii did you mock ResizeObserver as was described in that ticket?

JESii commented 2 years ago

Working on it...

JESii commented 2 years ago

@Semigradsky Yes, it did -- thanks! Closing this issue.