masnun / php-lang

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Getting error while cloning repo #5

Open shahariaazam opened 11 years ago

shahariaazam commented 11 years ago

I am getting error when I am cloning your repo. it says

PHP Fatal error:  Class 'PHPLang\DataSource\HackerNews' not found in /opt/lampp/htdocs/php-lang-master/app/commands/TestCommand.php on line 44
{"error":{"type":"Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException","message":"Class 'PHPLang\\DataSource\\HackerNews' not found","file":"\/opt\/lampp\/htdocs\/php-lang-master\/app\/commands\/TestCommand.php","line":44}}

when I running php artisan test command from CLI

masnun commented 11 years ago

Run this command or lets have a chat on Skype sometimes -

composer dump-autoload

masnun commented 11 years ago

The utilities classes are put in a separate utils directory. In composer.json I have added a PSR-0 autoloading instruction. For some reasons, composer might have missed to dump the autoloader for that.

The command in the previous comment should dump the auto loader and make things work perfectly.

shahariaazam commented 11 years ago

yup solved that. Thanks. But when I run the php artisan test command it says the following error

          http:\/\/\/feeds\/tag\/php:718: parser error : 
          PCDATA invalid Char value 17",

I think this is the problem of character encoding of that XML datasource. Sometime when our targeted XML documents got any character then parser shows this error... I want to know that you are getting any error. And please reply me with your command and it's output here. So I can understand that where is the problem.

Thanks and tomorrow at 1 AM I will meet you on skype as I am busy for today and tomorrow.