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add knowledge distillation #22

Closed masoud-khalilian closed 1 year ago

masoud-khalilian commented 1 year ago

In PyTorch, knowledge distillation is a technique used to transfer knowledge from a larger, pre-trained model to a smaller model. The process involves training the smaller model to mimic the behavior and predictions of the larger model.

Here's a high-level overview of the distillation process in a PyTorch pipeline:

Prepare the models: First, you need to have a pre-trained larger model, often referred to as the "teacher" model, and a smaller model, known as the "student" model. The teacher model should be capable of generating accurate predictions for the task you're working on.

Define loss functions: In distillation, you typically use two types of loss functions. The first one is the "hard target" loss, which compares the student model's predictions with the ground truth labels. The second one is the "soft target" loss, which measures the similarity between the student model's predictions and the outputs of the teacher model.

Data loading: Load your training dataset and prepare the data loaders as you would for any other training task.

Training loop: In each iteration of the training loop, you pass a batch of data through both the teacher and student models. Compute the outputs from both models.

Calculate the loss: Compute the hard target loss by comparing the student model's predictions with the ground truth labels. Also, calculate the soft target loss by comparing the student model's predictions with the outputs of the teacher model. Weigh the two losses according to your preference and combine them.

Backpropagation and optimization: Perform backpropagation to update the parameters of the student model based on the combined loss. Use an optimizer, such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD), to optimize the student model's parameters.

Repeat the steps: Continue iterating through the training loop with different batches of data until you've processed the entire training dataset multiple times (epochs).

Evaluation: Once training is complete, evaluate the performance of the student model on a separate validation or test dataset to assess its accuracy and generalization.

The idea behind knowledge distillation is that the student model learns not only from the hard target labels but also from the soft targets provided by the teacher model. By doing so, the student model can benefit from the teacher model's knowledge and potentially achieve better performance than training from scratch.

Note that the exact implementation details may vary depending on your specific use case and the models you're working with.