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Bootstrap retry seems to fail because of double lock #3970

Closed Eitu33 closed 1 year ago

Eitu33 commented 1 year ago


This was found testing the new versioning system, after experiencing a desynchronization, node tried to bootstrap again and process terminated with the following error:

thread 'main' panicked at 'Error setting Ctrl-C handler: MultipleHandlers', massa-node/src/
Ben-PH commented 1 year ago

Any suggestions to reproduce?

AurelienFT commented 1 year ago

Any suggestions to reproduce?

in consensus-worker check_desync you can just change the condition to true or true after some slot so that it's triggered directly.

Ben-PH commented 1 year ago

I've found what I beleive to be the culprit: the launch function initialises the (non-async) ctrlc handler, and with a de-sync, the launch fn gets called again, and from the initialiser documentation:

/// # Errors
/// Will return an error if another `ctrlc::set_handler()` handler exists or if a
/// system error occurred while setting the handler.

I could put together a fix relatively easily, buuuut....

There are quite a few ctrl-c handlers speckled through the codebase. Might be worth discussing having a single, global ctrlc-signal?

    let sig_int_triggered = Arc::new((Mutex::new(false), Condvar::new()));
    let sigint_triggered_clone = Arc::clone(&sig_int_triggered);
    ctrlc::set_handler(move || {
            .expect("double-lock on interupt bool in ctrl-c handler") = true;
    .expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler");

Then wherever the code needs to be sig-int aware, we provide that boolean as appropriate.

in the bootstrap code we have this:

            let int_sig = interupted
                .expect("double-lock() on interupted signal mutex");
            let wake = interupted
                .wait_timeout(int_sig, bootstrap_config.retry_delay.to_duration())
                .expect("interupt signal mutex poisoned");
            if *wake.0 {
                return Err(BootstrapError::Interupted(
                    "Sig INT during bootstrap retry-wait".to_string(),

under the hood, the sigint variable gets passed into a dedicated system thread, and is in an event loop. in our case

where we have code like this:

        // interrupt signal listener
        let (tx, rx) = crossbeam_channel::bounded(1);
        let interrupt_signal_listener = tokio::spawn(async move {

        /* ... */
        match rx.try_recv() {
                Ok(_) => {
                    info!("interrupt signal received");
                    break false;
                Err(crossbeam_channel::TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {
                    error!("interrupt_signal_listener disconnected");
                    break false;
                _ => {}

we would instead have

            if !global_ctrlc.0.lock().unwrap().clone() {
                break false;

...though I would like to set things up so that it can take a RwLock instead (currently cannot)

The teams input would be valuable

AurelienFT commented 1 year ago

Personally, I'm having hard time understanding if you can make a PR it would be more comprehensive for me I think. But the priority is for the fix

Ben-PH commented 1 year ago


I'll get to work on the PR to see if we can have a single toggle

Eitu33 commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same issue on first bootstrap with labnet

Eitu33 commented 1 year ago

Still having the issue with fix, will be removing the control c handler for now

Ben-PH commented 1 year ago

For context: I've been sick/away for the better part of the last two weeks, and this is my first day back, hence the gap.

This is the sequence of events, and work done today:

  1. It initially got triggered on re-sync: On review of the code, that makes sense, as the function I used is a once-only thing, and didn't notice it was in the loop that doesn't break on the resync.
  2. I reproduce the panic by forcing resync. then move the initialization out of the loop. It didn't panic on resync: That was the measure by which I thought the issue fixed (no more re-initializing)
  3. I pushed the fix (now without the resync being forced)
  4. Thomas reported still having issues: commented out the sigint handling initialization
  5. I start trying to resolve by reverting comment
  6. Can't work out how recreate the bug.

This is what I've tried to do to reproduce the bug luck on any front.