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Computation of cliques and blockclique #86

Closed massa-bot closed 2 years ago

massa-bot commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @qdr


Given the graph of block that contains the incompatibles blocks, update the set of cliques and the blockclique.



To do

The fitness of a clique is defined as the sum of the fitness of each block of the clique, and the fitness of a block is defined by f=1+e where e is the number of endorsements in the block. Until we implement endorsements, the fitness of a clique is thus the number of blocks.

A tie breaking mechanism must be implemented: here we will prefer cliques with a minimum sum of priority of blocks, and if still tie, of minimum hash sum. The priority of a block B is defined as the number of missed blocks in the thread of B between B and its parent.

massa-bot commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @qdr

changed the description

massa-bot commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @qdr

changed the description