massalabs / station-massa-wallet

Massa Station Wallet Module
MIT License
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Add Send Coins Wallet Screen #229

Closed pivilartisant closed 1 year ago

pivilartisant commented 1 year ago

Context In order to launch Massa Wallet, we must implement the send coins screens

Attached here is the ui-kit meta issue that details the different components we need to implement

Screenshot from 2023-05-30 10-51-14

Here are the steps to creation

Url & routing : This page will be hosted here : http://localhost:8080/web-app/homepage/{account-name}/send

Reminder : one page/url, one route. This route will render always the related name component. If we need to split in many, it will be inside of each related component. -> this specific question will be dealt with in this PR

Account Balance :

Screenshot from 2023-05-30 11-00-06

Amount Selection : Screenshot from 2023-05-30 11-11-07

Recipient selection :

Screenshot from 2023-05-30 10-57-47

Advanced section : Screenshot from 2023-05-30 10-56-18

Transaction confirmation : Screenshot from 2023-05-30 11-07-15

Sign a transaction : Screenshot from 2023-05-30 11-10-29


Suggested URL: my.massa/massastation/wallet/XXX/send Where XXX is the name of the account

Rules to implement: 
* Send token field: amount format is:

25%; 50% etc... options: this is an easy-selection tool. When a user click on one of the number it automatically fulfil the amount field with the selected % of the total amount of the account. 
Ex: As a user, when I click on 50% I want to see the amount field input completed with exactly 50% of my total account balance.

Recipient field:

Transfer between accounts: GET /rest/wallet/{nickname}

Display this text only if more than one account exist. 
In the pop-up, display the list of existing accounts except the one user is currently using. --> when user click on one account, the pop-up automatically close up and the account name appears on the “Recipient” field.

SlnPons commented 1 year ago

@pivilartisant Hey Paul, just saw this issue you created. It's great we have the list of tasks somewhere. But 2 comments:

The work described is not exactly correct. Simply because we'll break down the screen into different iterations to secure the basics first ;) Check this page of the design, I added details and rules concerning this particular page. Have a look and let's update this task together.

All the rules are defined on the design. Have a look and let me know if it's clear.