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Re-design thyra plugin manager page #533

Closed SlnPons closed 1 year ago

SlnPons commented 1 year ago

Context Following the UX/ UI designs to match them, let's redesign thyra page.

User flow

  1. User installs thyra app using installer
  2. User sees thyra logo on the icon tray
  3. User sees "Home" in the menu
  4. User clicks on "Home" and a web browser page opens to: https://my.massa/home/
  5. User sees on the home page the "+ plugin" and clicks on it
  6. User has a new page open to: https://my.massa/thyra/plugin-manager/

How to

Technical details Give the technical insights so anyone in the team can tackle the tasks - Dev

QA testing Does this task require some QA tests ? If yes, explain how to validate it

0xMazout commented 1 year ago

We defined a rework for the design with @LucasF243

Action Plan :

Mandatory before start :

Should be in good way at the start :

don't need at start :

Nice to Haves:

0xMazout commented 1 year ago

@SlnPons Just to clarify the redirect subject at this moment , we don't redirect we open another window. Shall we change to a redirect from the actual page ?

SlnPons commented 1 year ago

@0xMazout nope, you're right let's keep it like this and open a new windows for now. As once you're on the plugin page you cannot come back to thyra, it's better to keep the plugin manager page open :) Updating the description now!

SlnPons commented 1 year ago

Hey @0xMazout, some random questions and infos about your action plan:

0xMazout commented 1 year ago

@SlnPons I Changed the commentary to be clearer

But will explain here :

SlnPons commented 1 year ago

@thomas-senechal about #498, could you prioritise it this week before your time off please? Let me know if not possible :)

@gregLibert about #463, I organised a meeting this afternoon to test and identify a solution to this problem as it seems to not be specific for windows.

SlnPons commented 1 year ago

@0xMazout fyi I added to "On the installation via URL bloc, add a front-end check to avoid user putting wrong link (aka only .zip) " on the to do list. Let me know if it's possible, when testing I saw users adding other link / the zip location on their computer after downloading it and the front-end is changing to infinite loop of "installing" :/

Would be great to prevent this if possible.

0xMazout commented 1 year ago

Yes it should be possible will put it in Nice to haves if we have time to do it i will do it

0xMazout commented 1 year ago

Blockers to match design : No Update flag from API No Version string from API

0xMazout commented 1 year ago

We need this to display the Not Installed part of the design :

0xMazout commented 1 year ago

@LucasF243 to fit with the new Store we will need a logo to show to users that all of this plugins are not installed . The logo will be the same to all plugins not installed.

If you can work on a version of it it will be great

SlnPons commented 1 year ago

@LucasF243, @0xMazout we need to be more pragmatic that this. We won't create a logo for not-installed plugins knowing that it's not something that we'll keep ..... Just pick an icon with key words: download, install, or add.

@LucasF243 I don't want the dev team to work like this with you, we'll waste our time and make poor product decisions. Please make sure to sync w/ me on such topics.

SlnPons commented 1 year ago

Very nice bloc to install a plugin, I like the behaviour! It's smooth.

Can't passed the QA review:

Otherwise it's becoming to look very great, it's nice to see it <3

Thykof commented 1 year ago

QA ko: #580

0xMazout commented 1 year ago

Very nice bloc to install a plugin, I like the behaviour! It's smooth.

Can't passed the QA review:

  • "install a new plugin" box should be in not installed: it's common sense. We must pay more attention to details when it comes to FE.
  • "Not installed" part: the loader keeps loading. This is not a standard behaviour. We should solve that. Usually, if the list it empty, users see a message "not plugin available" or sth like this (in small text, no need to drag attention on this)
  • Elements (logos, plugin name, plugin descriptions,...) aren't aligned. But I guess this ticket Rework HomePage And Plugin Manager Page card #569 will solve this.
  • The font size of the description is smaller on the plugin page that on the home page. It's the only thing that is different. It makes the UI very weird cc @LucasF243 wdyt?

Otherwise it's becoming to look very great, it's nice to see it <3

SlnPons commented 1 year ago

@0xMazout sorry I keep playing with the page and I just noticed:


0xMazout commented 1 year ago

@0xMazout sorry I keep playing with the page and I just noticed:

  • why the page is open in http or https? Could you send me the line of code where this is written please? So I can check with the dev who worked on this
  • I'm surprised that we can't see "copier le lien de l'adresse" as an option when you click right on the "open" button. I think it's a standard to see that If complicated, let's just add this in the DoD ;) but fyi


For the new page opened through plugin manager page The open is not related to the frontend , it's Thyra For the frontend we don't call any protocol (http or https) We just call /thyra/websiteCreator for example image

Actually i've never work on this on Thyra side and i'm not the best to find this but if you need it i can search

Edit: I re-read the message , If the question is : The plugin manager page is not opened in https as Plugin Manager Page ?

Yes i have tested it , when you doesn't type any protocol you access through http

I don't know who has work on it at 100%, but from my memory it was @thomas-senechal , i'm not sure and sorry if i throw you under the bus .

i'm not sure but we can configure our routing of thyra to provide only https

@SlnPons is this helping ?

0xMazout commented 1 year ago

For The Copy link, this is because our button doesn't contain <a href link'< and the link is built inside a function it can be changed i think

None of our CTA is built like this