massbay-cs / cs225-proj4
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Develop structure for authorization system #71

Closed Zenexer closed 8 years ago

Zenexer commented 8 years ago


Decide how we should go about enforcing authorization levels and program any overarching classes.

dewskii commented 8 years ago

Saw this, Slightly confused on what I should be doing. what documentation should I be providing? and should I write an authentication manager? Login manager? I'm assuming the Users table will have a level column, admin's being 1, committee leaders 2, etc.

dewskii commented 8 years ago


Zenexer commented 8 years ago

@dewskii Right now, focus on enforcing permissions rather than authenticating users. The linked issues above will be coding using whatever documentation you provide. As a very simple example, you could create a PermissionsManager class. You don't need to have fully functional code, but there should be enough information available for other people to start on their assigned tasks. For example, an interface for each class you plan to make would be helpful.

dewskii commented 8 years ago

added folder in the db directory for authorization and documentation on a unix style ACL