massdriver-cloud / massdriver-cli

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Better subcommand naming #114

Open coryodaniel opened 2 years ago

coryodaniel commented 2 years ago

Now that we are starting to expose some of the other graph functions, particularly package functions like deploy... our commands are a bit confusing.

Since applications and bundles don't really have any differences in how they are execute, I propose we move them into just bundles subcommand. The only difference in how we managed the bundles is how they are templatized.

This will free up mass app to deal w/ end user applications:

mass app deploy ecomm-staging-api will deploy the application package mass app config ecomm-staging-api -f ./params.json would read JSON from file and configure the package for deployment

WillBeebe commented 2 years ago

"terraform template will need to be updated to support liquid" => already done, I grabbed this as part of the app templating

WillBeebe commented 2 years ago

I like mass app deploy and mass app config, and it makes sense to consolidate on bundle now. 👍