Frontend for the Admin Portal. This web interface is used by Community Admins (cadmins) to administer community-specific portals and by Super Admins to administer the entire MassEnergize web platform.
As a super admin in the CAdmin portal, I encounter an issue where I cannot load more than the first page (maximum 100) of testimonials. When navigating to the next page, the content fails to load.
As the
I want to
be able to fetch more items on the tables without the page going blank after 100 items
Required Permissions
All admins
Acceptance Criteria
[x] Super admins should be able to access and load all testimonials, events, communities, actions etc including those beyond the initial page.
As a super admin in the CAdmin portal, I encounter an issue where I cannot load more than the first page (maximum 100) of testimonials. When navigating to the next page, the content fails to load.
As the Admin I want to be able to fetch more items on the tables without the page going blank after 100 items
Required Permissions
All admins
Acceptance Criteria
UX Design
Insert figma link or link to design
Technical Considerations
Insert technical considerations