massenergize / frontend-admin

Frontend for the Admin Portal. This web interface is used by Community Admins (cadmins) to administer community-specific portals and by Super Admins to administer the entire MassEnergize web platform.
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Add image alignment options to the TinyMCE formatted text windows. #1240

Open BradHN1 opened 2 months ago

BradHN1 commented 2 months ago

User Story. As a community admin, I want to add images into my text content, and have them aligned to the text in a reasonable and easy way so that they are clear and readable.

When one adds pictures into a google doc, word doc, mailchimp newsletter, the programs give several options on the image alignment and text wrapping. This google doc shows the options for google docs, and you can freely move the image and

This test action shows some of the issues. The images are either fixed to be align right, align left or align center, and for the first two text sort of wraps around them but leaves awkward line spacing.

Additional details/context This ticket is a precursor to adding custom pages which we edit in the admin portal.

Requested features are:

  1. add an option for text wrapping
  2. add reasonable text spacing around images, which ideally you could change.
  3. don't add random lines
  4. don't fix images to be align left right or center but allow them to be moved freely.
  5. preserve image alignment from pasting from google docs or other editor.

Value added. Content looks much better.

Acceptance criteria. The conditions that must be met for this to be done. For example, for a login feature: User is securely and reliably logged in until timeout or manual sign-out.