massimilianodelliubaldini / galaxy-integration-rpcs3

GOG Galaxy 2.0 Integration with RPCS3
MIT License
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Achievements and time not tracking with possible solutions #29

Open ManemanFTW opened 1 year ago

ManemanFTW commented 1 year ago

Hi, i just noticed that achievements and game time are not tracking. I did some modifications to the code based of off this pull request #28 and realized it is sending the wrong time format for game_time, it requires to use an epoch object instead of a string.

I already fixed that issue currently in my local build of the plug. It obtains the game time from the emulator so even if you play your games outside of gog it will track it the next time you sync it.

Now, the achievements are another thing, currently i made some big modifications and refactoring of the achievement object (for example i send the achievement id instead of None). I checked the gogo api documentation and made sure i sent the correct achievement object, i even compared the logs of the plugin to the official xbox. They send the objects the same way, the only difference is that xbox sends all data to galaxy.api.jsonrpc and this plugin sends it to root.

Here are some examples of achievement data: Xbox 2022-07-27 21:34:09,552 - galaxy.api.jsonrpc - INFO - Sending notification: method=game_achievements_import_success, params={'game_id': '2043073184', 'unlocked_achievements': [Achievement(unlock_time=1639011428, achievement_id='1', achievement_name='First Contact')]}

rpcs3 2022-07-27 21:41:10,980 - root - INFO - Sending notification: method=game_achievements_import_success, params={'game_id': 'BLUS31396', 'unlocked_achievements': [Achievement(unlock_time=1577048967, achievement_id='001', achievement_name="Devil's Daughter")]}

The weird thing is that there is an osu plug in that tracks achievements (or tries), in my case it doesnt track them, but that plug in does send the data to the ga;axy.api.

Any thoughts, i really want to see my achievements :c

Netwell09 commented 1 month ago

Hey, Found any solutions?