I downloaded the Seurat objects from Zenodo because the HCATonsilData did not work (issue #9).
However, I encountered another error when attempting to subset cite-seq Seurat object by protein expression. It only worked for protein names that do not have a parenthesis. Yet, VlnPlot, AverageExpression, rownames works fine for these genes. Asked also in https://github.com/satijalab/seurat/issues/6989
Hi there,
Sorry for another Q.
I downloaded the Seurat objects from Zenodo because the HCATonsilData did not work (issue #9).
However, I encountered another error when attempting to subset cite-seq Seurat object by protein expression. It only worked for protein names that do not have a parenthesis. Yet,
works fine for these genes. Asked also in https://github.com/satijalab/seurat/issues/6989Would you mind advising how to proceed?
Thank you for your help.