massung / r-cade

Retro Game Engine for Racket
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could not load foreign library csfml-audio-2 #31

Closed plesiosaur closed 1 year ago

plesiosaur commented 1 year ago

Hi. I'm newish to Racket and trying to get your r-cade to install. I believe I followed all your directions. My environment is Win 11, x64, with Racket 8.6 CS.

1. raco pkg install r-cade

2. unzipped CSFML unzipped OpenAL ran the installer for libsndfile

3. added the paths to my PATH

4. closed everything down and opened it up again

5. copied your first example to a text file, ex01.rkt...

(require r-cade) (define (game-loop) (cls) (text 2 2 (frame))) (run game-loop 128 128)

6. racket ex01.rkt

ffi-lib: could not load foreign library path: csfml-audio-2.dll system error: The specified module could not be found.; win_err=126 context...: D:\lang\rkt\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:131:0: get-ffi-lib body of "C:\Users\micro\AppData\Roaming\Racket\8.6\pkgs\csfml\audio.rkt"

Since there are probably countless subtle places the point of failure could've been, it would save you time identifying the problem if you were to remote-desktop into my computer. 1 minute of looking equals weeks of sending messages up and back, so I offer that. All my important stuff is in the cloud anyway.

plesiosaur commented 1 year ago

Oops. My mistake. The unzipped file for OpenAL isn't a lib, it's an installer. I needed to run it. I now got your tutorial program working. Thanks for your work creating this and sorry for having a dumb moment.