mastercake10 / TimeIsMoney

Time Is Money - Bukkit plugin that pays out players for their online time!
GNU General Public License v3.0
43 stars 26 forks source link

Issues with payoff [CRIT BUG] #81

Closed CloudeLecaw closed 4 years ago

CloudeLecaw commented 4 years ago

When you click on a payoff button no matter if 10,100,1000 or 10000 then your money in ATM get reduced to 0$ and you get the info "y ou dont have enogh money on your bank (atm)"

Snag_1bb60e . Snag_1c3705 . Snag_1d164a . Snag_1d51dc

Here u have the current config:

configuration-version: 12

debug-log: false

# You can disable the plugin's payout feature in certain worlds
- "plotworld"

# You can define if the player gets a payout whether player is afk or not.
# the permission tim.afkbypass would avoid this for certain user or groups.
afk_payout: false
# If afk payout is enabled, what percent should be paid out?
afk_payout_percent: 10

display-messages-in-chat: false
display-messages-in-actionbar: false
display-messages-in-actionbar-time: 10
give_money_every_second: 600
store-money-in-bank: true

# Define if multiple accounts should get payed with the same ip-address. You may disable this if your players are using multiple accounts per ip.
allow-multiple-accounts: true
# Option to increase the maximal amount of players of the same IP getting a payout. Only applies when allow-multiple-accounts is set to false.
max-multiple-accounts: 1

# Optional: Define a server bank account for withdrawing money from that account for the payouts instead of creating money out of nowhere
bank-account: ""

# Payouts will be delivered by "chance" instead "permission".
choose-payout-by-chance: false

# Enable this if you want to add up all lower payouts to the final payout (only relevant when using permissions)
merge-payouts: false

# You can add as many payouts you want. You only can choose between "permission"
# and "chance", not both.
    payout_amount: 0.60
    max_payout_per_day: 10000
    # chance: 600
    # chance: 90
    # You can use any permission name you want. e.g. myserver.donor

# Translations
message: "&aDu hast &c%money% &averdient da du 10 Minuten online bist."
message_payoutlimit_reached: "&cDu hast das Auszahlungslimit für Heute schon erreicht."
message_afk: "&cDu hast kein Geld verdient du AFK warst."
message_afk_payout: "&6Du hast &c%money% (%percent%% der normalen Ausszahlung) &6verdient weil du 10 Minuten AFK warst."
message_multiple_ips: "&cDu hast kein Geld verdient, da du bereits mit einem anderen Account dein Geld verdient hast."
message_actionbar: "&aDu hast &c%money% &averdient da du 10 Minuten online bist."
message_payoutlimit_reached_actionbar: "&cDu hast das Auszahlungslimit für Heute schon erreicht."
message_afk_actionbar: "&cDu hast kein Geld verdient du AFK warst."
message_afk_actionbar_payout: "&6Du hast &c%money% (%percent%% der normalen Ausszahlung) &6verdient weil du 10 Minuten AFK warst."
message_atm_noperms: "&cDu hast keine Berechtigung den Lulumat zu benutzen."
message_atm_nomoneyinbank: "&cDu hast nicht genügend Taler auf der Bank eingezahlt."
message_atm_nomoney: "&cDu hast nicht genügten Taler."
message_atm_created: "Du hast einen Bankautomaten erstellt. Du kannst die Zeilen 2 - 4 Frei geschalten."
message_atm_nopermbuild: "Es ist der nicht erlaubt einen Lulumat zu erstellen."

# Set this to true to send the payout limit reached message only one time once reached
display-payout-limit-reached-message-once: true

# ATM -> Place down a sign with [atm] on the first line to use it!
enable_atm: true
# The label that is drawn on the sign upon placement (keep in mind that ATM signs are tracked using this tag, so choose something "unique")
atm_sign_label: "&4LULUMAT"
atm_title: "&cLuluLand-Bank"
atm_withdraw: "&cAbheben"
atm_deposit: "&cEinzahlen"
atm_balance: "&eKontostand:"
  - 10.0
  - 100.0
  - 1000.0
  - 10000.0

# You can seperate the ATM balances for different worlds by group them. Just set group-atms to true and write atm_groups as described below.
# Note: Existing bank accounts will be removed when enabling this feature.
group-atms: false
# Example groups for seperating all worlds:
#  group1:
#  - world
#  group2:
#  - world_nether
#  group3:
#   - world_the_end
# Example groups for seperating skyblock worlds and survival worlds:
#  group1:
#  - ASkyblock_world
#  - Askyblock_spawn
#  group2:
#  - survival_world
#  - farm_world
MyTimeIsMoney commented 4 years ago

This have to do with the new used UUID's, mastercake10 thanks for change this (this was my feature request), but you need to look and check all functions which have to do with that. - Because many isn't working after this update, the /atm balance, -balancetop, -take and -give functions are also broken. - Please check all your code which is linked to need the old usernames!

mastercake10 commented 4 years ago

I've uploaded the new jar file under the same version tag.