mastercoin-MSC / mastercore

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Store recipient data for STO and make available over RPC #247

Closed zathras-crypto closed 9 years ago

zathras-crypto commented 9 years ago

@MIchael as requested mate, split out from UI PR. Also squeezed --startclean in here too as that's a nice to have :) Also note versioning moved to mastercore_version.h

zathras-crypto commented 9 years ago

OK @m21 that should be it, I've left out most of the stuff related to UI and UI data (such as pendingmap changes) and just focused on STO with a couple of little fixes here and there.

Should be a bit easier to digest! Let me know dude :)

TL:DR; is pretty simple: 1) listtransactions_MP now includes STO receives despite transactions not being in the wallet (since we don't receive an incoming tx for STO) 2) getsto_MP will provide a list of recipients and the amounts they got for the STO tx, default is to only show recipients in the wallet, pass "*" for everything or a specific address to look for a single recipient.

Thanks Z