Just faced this problem with the "loadPlugins" method inside phpThumb class. It was including a folder that is automatically placed inside the directory in which this class resides called ".DS_Store".
Inside the loop in which you read all the plugins you check for ".", ".." and ".svn" but i suggest checking if the current file is not a PHP file
I've modified the code in my project to be:
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if(substr($file, -3) != 'php') continue;
include_once($pluginPath . '/' . $file);
As the previous one was causing a problem having the image to show because of the output caused by including ".DS_Store"
Hope you fix this issue in some other more flexible way :)
Just faced this problem with the "loadPlugins" method inside phpThumb class. It was including a folder that is automatically placed inside the directory in which this class resides called ".DS_Store". Inside the loop in which you read all the plugins you check for ".", ".." and ".svn" but i suggest checking if the current file is not a PHP file
I've modified the code in my project to be: while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if(substr($file, -3) != 'php') continue; include_once($pluginPath . '/' . $file); }
As the previous one was causing a problem having the image to show because of the output caused by including ".DS_Store"
Hope you fix this issue in some other more flexible way :)