masterfeizz / DaedalusX64-3DS

Port of DaedalusX64 to the Nintendo 3DS
GNU General Public License v2.0
356 stars 31 forks source link

Battery indicator #30

Open renotek15 opened 4 years ago

renotek15 commented 4 years ago

Please add a battery indicator. So we can know how much juice is left

NickHam13 commented 4 years ago

You can open the Rosalina menu (default combo is L+D-Pad Down+Select) and check your battery percentage in the corner for the time being until this is (hopefully) implemented.

renotek15 commented 4 years ago

Yeah but an indicator would be easier

NickHam13 commented 4 years ago

I know. I was indirectly saying that in the last part.

MisterPrintf commented 4 years ago

There's no reason you can't either use Rosalina's menu to check or press home. Personally I'd rather not see any CPU power wasted on this, however miniscule the cost may be.