masterkain / omniauth-twitchtv

Twitch.TV OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
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Makes omniauth-twitchtv follow the server side omniauth 2.0 flow #1

Closed joeljackson closed 10 years ago

joeljackson commented 11 years ago

The authentication-token flow implemented initially in this gem doesn't work because the token is passed back in the url hash that the server can't see.

masterkain commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the pull request, I had to use a hackish javascript workaround to make the code work with the version in the current repository. I tested this with a newly generated secret key, however I'm not getting many data back from, at least the uid field should be present:

06:15:25 web.1     | {
06:15:25 web.1     |        "provider" => "twitchtv",
06:15:25 web.1     |             "uid" => nil,
06:15:25 web.1     |            "info" => {},
06:15:25 web.1     |     "credentials" => {
06:15:25 web.1     |           "token" => "xxxx",
06:15:25 web.1     |         "expires" => false
06:15:25 web.1     |     },
06:15:25 web.1     |           "extra" => {}
06:15:25 web.1     | }


joeljackson commented 11 years ago

Justintv has sort of weird oauth. You won't get back a uid, just a token which will both uniquely identify the user and provide access to perform actions within the scope you've requested on behalf of the user. You could recover the username in a subsequent call if desired. Sorry, I should have updated he readme/sample. My bad. Here is how we're using it to access stream_keys to allow users to stream from our in gam client

in config/initializers/omniauth,.rb:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
   provider :twitchtv, TWITCHTV_KEY, TWITCHTV_SECRET, :scope => 'channel_read'

in the omniauth endpoint:

     if current_db_user.authentications.twitchtv.blank?
        authentication = current_db_user.authentications.twitchtv.create( :secret => request.env['omniauth.auth'][:credentials][:token] )
        unless authentication.valid?
          flash[:alert] = I18n.t("errors.models.authentication.already_in_use")
        authentication = current_db_user.authentications.twitchtv.first
        authentication.secret = request.env['omniauth.auth'][:credentials][:token]

then where we grab the stream_key:

    if authentication = current_db_user.authentications.twitchtv.first
      client =
      header = { 'Authorization' => "OAuth #{authentication.secret}" }
      result = JSON.parse(client.get("", "", header).body)

        :login => result["name"],
        :stream_key => result["stream_key"]
        }, :location => nil)
      raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
masterkain commented 11 years ago

I see your point, please check this entry in the wiki to see which hash schema keys are required:

There's no problem in making the authenticated call right in the strategy to return the required user info dictionary, usually in the callback_phase of the strategy.

joeljackson commented 11 years ago

Hmm, okay. I'll rework it.

masterkain commented 11 years ago

Thanks, going to test this today.

joeljackson commented 11 years ago

Actually, there's a little quirk depending on whether the user has a twitch account or a jutitv account. I went back and forth with Twitch on the best way to deal with ir, so it's not quite done.

I'll update It tonight.

masterkain commented 11 years ago

All right, don't forget to ignore the sublime text files, and perhaps give the .rvmrc a custom gemset such as @omniauth-twitchtv if you need it or gitignore it as well.


hayksaakian commented 11 years ago


masterkain commented 11 years ago

@joeljackson is there an url pointing to the discussion with twitch going on? I'd like to dig the matter.