Open denrolya opened 5 years ago
Here is what I have in my render:
<Container> <Content showsVerticalScrollIndicator={ false } style={ styles.fillScreen } contentContainerStyle={ styles.fillScreen }> <FlatList data={ places } renderItem={ this.renderPlaceItem } keyExtractor={ item => item.slug } numColumns={ 1 } refreshControl={ <RefreshControl refreshing={ isRequestInProgress } /> } onEndReachedThreshold={ 0.5 } onEndReached={ () => this.updatePlaces(places.length) } /> <ActionButton buttonColor="rgba(231,76,60,1)"> <ActionButton.Item buttonColor="#9b59b6" title="New Task" onPress={ () => console.log('notes tapped!') }> <Icon name="md-create" style={ styles.actionButtonIcon } /> </ActionButton.Item> <ActionButton.Item buttonColor="#3498db" title="Notifications" onPress={ () => {} }> <Icon name="md-notifications-off" style={ styles.actionButtonIcon } /> </ActionButton.Item> <ActionButton.Item buttonColor="#1abc9c" title="All Tasks" onPress={ () => {} }> <Icon name="md-done-all" style={ styles.actionButtonIcon } /> </ActionButton.Item> </ActionButton> </Content> </Container>
I can see the button, but tapping on it does nothing.
I have a feeling this repo is no longer being mantained
It is working with nativebase. I am using nativebase and this api also. it is working
Here is what I have in my render:
I can see the button, but tapping on it does nothing.