masteroftime / Python-Plugin-Loader

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I'm working on a plugin like this #17

Open luc99a opened 9 years ago

luc99a commented 9 years ago

Hi @masteroftime and @lahwran, I'm working on a plugin that can loads Python plugins like this. I'm writing it from nothing, using some concepts from this plugin. Actually I don't know if I will finish my project, I hope yes, anyway I'd like to ask you if you agree if I use some of your code, so I don't have to write every single line of code. If you don't agree I will stop my project, don't worry. Thanks

jomo commented 9 years ago

The license is GPLv3.

luc99a commented 9 years ago

Yes, but I prefer asking to the authors if they agree (actually if they have choosen GPL they will agree, but I think is a good practice to aks anyway)

lahwran commented 9 years ago

Ah, if only everyone had been so nice as to ask such a thing before starting another project in the mc community :( wouldn't have left...

Go right ahead. I'd request that you follow pep8 as closely as you possibly can, and pep20 like a religion ;) Also, check out venusian, by the pyramid folks. Makes it really nice to load stuff. Honestly, I don't really care about mc anymore, so I can't say I'll follow your project, but I'm tickled you asked. If possible, it'd be cool to do it as a "new version" of this project, so that there's still only one.

luc99a commented 9 years ago

Ok thank you @lahwran, I think it is a good idea to make a new version of this project, it will take much time to me so I don't know when I will finish the project. I will follow your advices.

I think I will keep only one of the two APIs to make plugin development more simple. I think the decorator API is much easy for people who don't want, or don't have time to study OOP, so I maybe I will keep only the decorator API (do you think is this a good idea?)

luc99a commented 9 years ago

Also to make the development time shorter I will ask to someone of the Italian Community (I'm italian) if they wish to contribute. Also @masteroftime and @lahwran (I know you said you have left) you are welcome

jomo commented 9 years ago

IMO it's great to keep the decorator API, it's just easier to use, regardless of knowing how to use the class API or not.

Got a repo for us to find your work?

lahwran commented 9 years ago

I would make a new decorator api based on venusian, rather than on-decorate hooks. The class thing is stupid, and I thought it was stupid then too. I just made it to satisfy bukkit people, honestly.

luc99a commented 9 years ago

@jomo no I haven't created a repository yet, I started working on it, but I haven't wrote much code. @lahwran I saw venusian page before, I will work on the new decorator API

luc99a commented 9 years ago

Anyway @lahwran, @masteroftime and @jomo keep updated on this issue. @jomo you are welcome to contribute too if you like. I created this repository where you can keep updated:

luc99a commented 9 years ago

@lahwran I'm back here with some news: I found this project by @SpaceManiac: I will continue working on the plugin though, because the API for Python Plugins will be different.

Now some ideas for the plugin: I will no more load plugins from directories, I will load them from zip files (ending with .zip or .pyp) or from python files (ending with .py) The API will use Venusian like you said

I will update some code on the repository today