masterplane8 / F1-League-Management

F1 League Management is an Excel template designed to help F1 2021 league owners track points, penalties, and other league statistics.
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Possible incomaptability with Excel Desktop App #3

Open masterplane8 opened 2 years ago

masterplane8 commented 2 years ago

There has been several instances where someone has uploaded the sheet to the desktop app of excel and some functions of the tool did not transfer over correctly.

The problem is most likely to do with the version of Office and Excel downloaded on your computers. Some older versions do not have the ability to sort and filter data, which are key aspects of the F1LM Excel sheet. Re-install those apps and download a clean copy of F1LM to potentially fix that Issue.

Another possible problem is that you do not own the right version of Office or your computer is managed by a business that has set restrictions on it. If either of these are the case, you can still use F1LM on the webpage version of Excel. Go to, upload F1LM and it should open in the browser.

You'll know if the issue lies with your version of Office and Excel when the championship standings show errors and the results in Results Tables do not calculate.

ImAliGlen commented 2 years ago


This article saved the day for me. I have moved to using the online Excel from OneDrive as I don't have the latest software installed. Everything is working perfectly except individual driver points. I've tried the F1 Default points system and entering manual points system (which I will be doing for my league) but still no driver points showing in the "Championships", "Race Results", "League Statistics" and "Teammate Comparison" tabs. Team points show okay, but not individual drivers.

I'm sure it's something I have done wrong since they're not showing everywhere but I cannot figure out what it is, Any ideas?

masterplane8 commented 2 years ago

@ImAliGlen I just did some testing to see if there's anything wrong with the sheet in OneDrive, but everything seems to be working fine for me. To test to see if your sheet is even able to produce points, follow these instructions:

  1. Upload a fresh copy of the sheet to OneDrive
  2. Have at least one track selected in the Track List
  3. Have the points per position preset set to F1 Default
  4. Have like 1-4 random driver names entered into the All Drivers table and assign them to random teams.
  5. Enter random numbers for each of the drivers under Time From Leader in the Final Classifications page for the first race, and only enter for that column.

If the instructions above don't produce points for drivers (which is the least amount of information that the sheet needs to do so), then I'll need to see some screenshots of your sheet to assess to problem more thoroughly.

ImAliGlen commented 2 years ago

@masterplane8 Thank you for that. That has worked perfectly for me. We don't start our new season for a few weeks so I'm going to enter in the last few races of this season and see how it goes.

Is there an order of doing things on the workbook which may cause this to happen again or do you think it's just chance? The error showing on all fields expecting driver points was a propagation error and I couldn't find the source of the original mistake.

masterplane8 commented 2 years ago

@ImAliGlen There is no order, so I'm guessing something was accidentally edited or deleted. Just make sure you only enter data into fields that ask for data; a lot of cells populate with data automatically and they are normally a different color to suggest that is the case. Just be sure to reference the instructions in the sheet if you're unsure if a cell requires data. Let me know if more problems come in the next few weeks.

ImAliGlen commented 2 years ago

@masterplane8 Hi, I have run into an error. We run a realistic performance league where teams change every week depending on finishing position the week before. That's why in screenshots I haven't assigned anyone a team.

First race results were fine. Most of 2nd race results were fine aswell until i get to the 4th person at +1 Lap time to leader. When I leave out the top driver in the list, points show no problem. As soon as I add their results the error appears. I've added screenshots which hopefully show you what i mean including league management screen. (Same outcome if i fill all teams with 2 random drivers).

League Management error01 Results with top driver results error02 error03 Results without top driver results error-without 1 result error-without 1 result01

masterplane8 commented 2 years ago

@ImAliGlen I've set up my sheet on OneDrive to look just like yours and I''m getting no errors. The next step is for you to share a copy of your sheet with me, either through GitHub (make your own release and share the link) or share it with me through Discord: MASTERPLANE8#8620. Make sure you download it as a standalone file and not a shared file on OneDrive.

masterplane8 commented 2 years ago

@RealSimRacingAustralia I take it you plan on using this for a racing game different from F1 2021? I plan on integrating a F2 format into this sheet, but I might expand the possible number of teams based on interest. Do you have 15 teams of 2 drivers? and what other important information should I know about your league's format if I do accommodate its size. Specifically, information pertaining to anything that differs from a typical F1 2021 league.

RSRA888 commented 2 years ago

Hi I really like what you've done here and was wondering if this could be modified for anything other that F1? I run a sim racing series and would really like to incorporate what you've done here in my series. I'm more than happy to donate for your time if what I'm looking for is possible.

masterplane8 commented 2 years ago

@RSRA888 I built a settings page into the sheet that allows users to change various aspects of how the sheet performs calculations. Additionally, the most recent significant update allows for custom team names and custom tracks. There is a possibility that you can configure the sheet to match the configuration of your series.

I'd need to know all the ways that your series from a standard F1 league, including your points system, number of teams, number of tracks, etc.

You can DM on Discord if you find it easier: MASTERPLANE8#8620

Arsedi commented 2 years ago


I find some errors at the new version.

  1. when you complete the second race in the championships, a triangle is displayed outside the table, but when you complete the next race they disappear.

error 5

error 6

  1. After the third race is complete, the championships page shows only #### in points. This happens when I complete the last cell of time from leader, I tried to delete a different cell and in this way the values ​​appear on the championships page and this happens when I delete a value from any cell of time from leader.

error 1

Inkederror 2_LI

once I deleted a cell (this happens with any cell of "time from leader")

Inkederror 3_LI

error 4

kind regards!

masterplane8 commented 2 years ago

@Arsedi Thanks for finding this. I’ll have an patch out sometime later tonight.

masterplane8 commented 2 years ago

@Arsedi Could you send me a copy of your spreadsheet? I need to look into the points problem a little further. My discord is MASTERPLANE8#8620

TurtlePower411 commented 2 years ago


Have been using this spreadsheet (loving it!) but I cannot get Fastest Lap to record when None is selected in League Management for points awarded.

Only the 1st race highlights on then Final Classification page, the Race Results page and then the League Statistics and the Race Reports pages.

I have downloaded the original spreadsheet a few times and am running it via the excel online function.

Interestingly if I select the 'separate' option on the League Management page the Final Classifications highlight correctly but the FL count does not change in the Race Results page.

Obviously ive tried some basic investigations but cannot find the solution to this.

masterplane8 commented 2 years ago

@TurtlePower411 Hey! Can you share the sheet with me? It'd be easiest for me to find the problem if I can see if for myself. My discord is MASTERPLANE8#8620 if you want to send it me through there.

TurtlePower411 commented 2 years ago

@TurtlePower411 Hey! Can you share the sheet with me? It'd be easiest for me to find the problem if I can see if for myself. My discord is MASTERPLANE8#8620 if you want to send it me through there.

Should be with you now 👍🏼

GenLangsdorf commented 2 years ago

Hi I will be running a sort of league with one friend shortly, so he and I will be the 2 human drivers and the rest will be the AI drivers. I've set up the spreadsheet with all the drivers and assigned the drivers to the various teams. I input some test data for the first race but nothing seems to be transferring to the other sheets. Can you suggest what I might be doing wrong, please?

GenLangsdorf commented 2 years ago

Hi I will be running a sort of league with one friend shortly, so he and I will be the 2 human drivers and the rest will be the AI drivers. I've set up the spreadsheet with all the drivers and assigned the drivers to the various teams. I input some test data for the first race but nothing seems to be transferring to the other sheets. Can you suggest what I might be doing wrong, please?

Forget my above - the thing I was doing wrong was trying to get it to run on the desktop version of Excel, it only works on the online version.

SoonerMan6879 commented 1 year ago

Hey @masterplane8 . I sent you a friend request on Discord because I am unable to message you unless we are friends or in the same server together.