mastodon-sc / mastodon

Mastodon – a large-scale tracking and track-editing framework for large, multi-view images.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Mastodon Exceptions Occurred During Plugin Discovery #276

Open allyrp opened 5 months ago

allyrp commented 5 months ago

When opening Mastodon and trying to open a file I am getting these errors. Looking for some solutions to the problem.

[WARNING] 1 exceptions occurred during plugin discovery. Keymap list file C:\Users\pancal01.mastodon\keymaps\keymaps.yaml not found. Using builtin styles. [WARNING] 1 exceptions occurred during plugin discovery. Settings file C:\Users\pancal01/.mastodon/rendersettings.yaml not found. Using builtin settings. Settings file C:\Users\pancal01/.mastodon/trackschemestyles.yaml not found. Using builtin settings. Settings file C:\Users\pancal01/.mastodon/datagraphstyles.yaml not found. Using builtin settings. Settings file C:\Users\pancal01/.mastodon/colormodes.yaml not found. Using builtin settings. Exception in thread "Thread-11" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/mastodon/mamut/plugin/MamutPluginAppModel at ch.epfl.biop.mastodon.MamutWarperPlugin.setAppPluginModel( at org.mastodon.mamut.ProjectModel.lambda$discoverPlugins$1( at$forEachDiscoveredPlugin$0( at at at org.mastodon.mamut.ProjectModel.discoverPlugins( at org.mastodon.mamut.ProjectModel.( at org.mastodon.mamut.ProjectModel.create( at at org.mastodon.mamut.launcher.LauncherUtil.openWithDialog( at org.mastodon.mamut.launcher.LauncherUtil.createProjectFromBdvFileWithDialog( at org.mastodon.mamut.launcher.MastodonLauncher.lambda$createNewProject$16( at Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.mastodon.mamut.plugin.MamutPluginAppModel at at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ... 13 more

tinevez commented 5 months ago

Hello. It seems like a conflict between beta-26 and beta-28 classes. Can you truy the following: 1/ Try installing Mastodon on a freshly downloaded Fiji, with no other update-sites subscribed. 2/ Can you list the mastodon-*.jar files you have in the jars/ folder of the culprit Fiji install?