Open choigonyok opened 8 months ago
It's possible that tag "v4.0" doesn't exist in the mastodon repo; try "v4.0.15" and see if that helps
Two side suggestions, just in case you haven't thought of them:
before you host this anywhere publicly visible.
I use Helm chart to deploy Mastodon in my VM kubernetes cluster.
But only PostgreSQL, Redis is installed When I deploy Mastodon, PostgreSQL and Redis.
Idk what is the problem.
Anyone knows about this issue?
Below, I attached my valuse.yaml file. and I use
helm install --namespace mastodon --create-namespace --debug my-mastodon ./ -f values.yaml
``` image: repository: tag: "v4.0" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent mastodon: labels: {} createAdmin: enabled: true username: admin email: hooks: dbMigrate: enabled: true assetsPrecompile: enabled: true cron: removeMedia: enabled: true schedule: "0 0 * * 0" locale: en local_domain: mastodon.local web_domain: null singleUserMode: false authorizedFetch: false limitedFederationMode: false persistence: assets: accessMode: ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi system: accessMode: ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 100Gi s3: enabled: false access_key: "" access_secret: "" existingSecret: "" bucket: "" endpoint: "" hostname: "" region: "" permission: "" alias_host: "" deepl: enabled: false plan: apiKeySecretRef: name: key: hcaptcha: enabled: false siteId: secretKeySecretRef: name: key: secrets: secret_key_base: "f704da41ee039045aa267653d2954db0d4283a9f63ac60e445851cb2354a633372446ffa66f86aff56570c9d24fb77958c32c7bb269edb0b3a56060ba98d9fb1" otp_secret: "1b325bdca9099f38f79a95a12b2a35bca184910836cb2ecfb6beee58a9de85c044f6439e1d545c4c11f107c706507051f793119106e5a2a327974a50d244ed29" vapid: private_key: "vN24YYVW2f1k809AKtH9QoSHI2QmqRxXVIusBEO0tms=" public_key: "BCyWPOsF5CmRqbzAZNEFiaY88dLThieRmRNXr8NbpypVCxPwf27VkAGgtgH234LMcjw9TT9PCZbUaNA3pDYatBs=" existingSecret: "" revisionHistoryLimit: 2 sidekiq: podSecurityContext: {} securityContext: {} resources: {} affinity: {} topologySpreadConstraints: {} workers: - name: all-queues concurrency: 25 replicas: 1 resources: {} affinity: {} topologySpreadConstraints: {} queues: - default,8 - push,6 - ingress,4 - mailers,2 - pull - scheduler image: repository: tag: customDatabaseConfigYml: configMapRef: name: key: smtp: domain: localhost server: from_address: auth_method: plain delivery_method: smtp enable_starttls: false openssl_verify_mode: none port: 465 tls: false login: password: Snix2019! existingSecret: streaming: image: repository: tag: port: 4000 workers: 1 base_url: null replicas: 1 affinity: {} topologySpreadConstraints: {} podSecurityContext: {} securityContext: {} resources: {} web: port: 3000 replicas: 1 affinity: {} topologySpreadConstraints: {} podSecurityContext: {} securityContext: {} resources: {} minThreads: "5" maxThreads: "5" workers: "2" persistentTimeout: "20" image: repository: tag: customDatabaseConfigYml: configMapRef: name: key: cacheBuster: enabled: false httpMethod: "GET" authHeader: authToken: existingSecret: metrics: statsd: address: "" exporter: enabled: false port: 9102 preparedStatements: true extraEnvVars: {} ingress: enabled: false annotations: ingressClassName: hosts: - host: mastodon.local paths: - path: "/" tls: - secretName: mastodon-tls hosts: - mastodon.local streaming: enabled: false annotations: ingressClassName: hosts: - host: streaming.mastodon.local paths: - path: "/" tls: - secretName: mastodon-tls hosts: - streaming.mastodon.local elasticsearch: enabled: false image: tag: 7 postgresql: enabled: true volumePermissions: enabled: true auth: database: mastodon_production username: mastodon password: "admin" existingSecret: "" readReplica: hostname: port: auth: database: username: password: existingSecret: redis: enabled: true volumePermissions: enabled: true hostname: "my-mastodon-redis-master.mastodon.svc.cluster.local" port: 6379 auth: password: "admin" replica: replicaCount: 0 service: type: ClusterIP port: 80 externalAuth: oidc: enabled: false saml: enabled: false omniauth_only: false cas: enabled: false pam: enabled: false ldap: enabled: false podSecurityContext: runAsUser: 991 runAsGroup: 991 fsGroup: 991 securityContext: {} serviceAccount: create: true annotations: {} name: "mastodon-sa" deploymentAnnotations: {} podAnnotations: {} revisionPodAnnotation: true jobAnnotations: {} resources: {} nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] affinity: {} topologySpreadConstraints: {} volumeMounts: [] volumes: [] ```