mastodon / chart

Helm chart for Mastodon deployment in Kubernetes
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
151 stars 90 forks source link

Using helm, mastodon(web, streaming, sidekiq) is not installed. Only postgreSQL, redis are installed. #130

Open choigonyok opened 3 months ago

choigonyok commented 3 months ago

I use Helm chart to deploy Mastodon in my VM kubernetes cluster.

But only PostgreSQL, Redis is installed When I deploy Mastodon, PostgreSQL and Redis.

Idk what is the problem.

Anyone knows about this issue?

Below, I attached my valuse.yaml file. and I use helm install --namespace mastodon --create-namespace --debug my-mastodon ./ -f values.yaml


``` image: repository: tag: "v4.0" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent mastodon: labels: {} createAdmin: enabled: true username: admin email: hooks: dbMigrate: enabled: true assetsPrecompile: enabled: true cron: removeMedia: enabled: true schedule: "0 0 * * 0" locale: en local_domain: mastodon.local web_domain: null singleUserMode: false authorizedFetch: false limitedFederationMode: false persistence: assets: accessMode: ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi system: accessMode: ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 100Gi s3: enabled: false access_key: "" access_secret: "" existingSecret: "" bucket: "" endpoint: "" hostname: "" region: "" permission: "" alias_host: "" deepl: enabled: false plan: apiKeySecretRef: name: key: hcaptcha: enabled: false siteId: secretKeySecretRef: name: key: secrets: secret_key_base: "f704da41ee039045aa267653d2954db0d4283a9f63ac60e445851cb2354a633372446ffa66f86aff56570c9d24fb77958c32c7bb269edb0b3a56060ba98d9fb1" otp_secret: "1b325bdca9099f38f79a95a12b2a35bca184910836cb2ecfb6beee58a9de85c044f6439e1d545c4c11f107c706507051f793119106e5a2a327974a50d244ed29" vapid: private_key: "vN24YYVW2f1k809AKtH9QoSHI2QmqRxXVIusBEO0tms=" public_key: "BCyWPOsF5CmRqbzAZNEFiaY88dLThieRmRNXr8NbpypVCxPwf27VkAGgtgH234LMcjw9TT9PCZbUaNA3pDYatBs=" existingSecret: "" revisionHistoryLimit: 2 sidekiq: podSecurityContext: {} securityContext: {} resources: {} affinity: {} topologySpreadConstraints: {} workers: - name: all-queues concurrency: 25 replicas: 1 resources: {} affinity: {} topologySpreadConstraints: {} queues: - default,8 - push,6 - ingress,4 - mailers,2 - pull - scheduler image: repository: tag: customDatabaseConfigYml: configMapRef: name: key: smtp: domain: localhost server: from_address: auth_method: plain delivery_method: smtp enable_starttls: false openssl_verify_mode: none port: 465 tls: false login: password: Snix2019! existingSecret: streaming: image: repository: tag: port: 4000 workers: 1 base_url: null replicas: 1 affinity: {} topologySpreadConstraints: {} podSecurityContext: {} securityContext: {} resources: {} web: port: 3000 replicas: 1 affinity: {} topologySpreadConstraints: {} podSecurityContext: {} securityContext: {} resources: {} minThreads: "5" maxThreads: "5" workers: "2" persistentTimeout: "20" image: repository: tag: customDatabaseConfigYml: configMapRef: name: key: cacheBuster: enabled: false httpMethod: "GET" authHeader: authToken: existingSecret: metrics: statsd: address: "" exporter: enabled: false port: 9102 preparedStatements: true extraEnvVars: {} ingress: enabled: false annotations: ingressClassName: hosts: - host: mastodon.local paths: - path: "/" tls: - secretName: mastodon-tls hosts: - mastodon.local streaming: enabled: false annotations: ingressClassName: hosts: - host: streaming.mastodon.local paths: - path: "/" tls: - secretName: mastodon-tls hosts: - streaming.mastodon.local elasticsearch: enabled: false image: tag: 7 postgresql: enabled: true volumePermissions: enabled: true auth: database: mastodon_production username: mastodon password: "admin" existingSecret: "" readReplica: hostname: port: auth: database: username: password: existingSecret: redis: enabled: true volumePermissions: enabled: true hostname: "my-mastodon-redis-master.mastodon.svc.cluster.local" port: 6379 auth: password: "admin" replica: replicaCount: 0 service: type: ClusterIP port: 80 externalAuth: oidc: enabled: false saml: enabled: false omniauth_only: false cas: enabled: false pam: enabled: false ldap: enabled: false podSecurityContext: runAsUser: 991 runAsGroup: 991 fsGroup: 991 securityContext: {} serviceAccount: create: true annotations: {} name: "mastodon-sa" deploymentAnnotations: {} podAnnotations: {} revisionPodAnnotation: true jobAnnotations: {} resources: {} nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] affinity: {} topologySpreadConstraints: {} volumeMounts: [] volumes: [] ```

abbottmg commented 1 month ago

It's possible that tag "v4.0" doesn't exist in the mastodon repo; try "v4.0.15" and see if that helps

Two side suggestions, just in case you haven't thought of them:

  1. I recommend using a version of 4.2, especially if you plan to eventually enable most of the disabled feature stanzas
  2. DEFINITELY remember to cycle all the values under mastodon.secrets before you host this anywhere publicly visible.