mastodon / chart

Helm chart for Mastodon deployment in Kubernetes
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
152 stars 90 forks source link

improved ldap settings #44

Closed travisghansen closed 1 year ago

travisghansen commented 1 year ago
diff --git a/templates/configmap-env.yaml b/templates/configmap-env.yaml
index 60efedd..5a0bc8f 100644
--- a/templates/configmap-env.yaml
+++ b/templates/configmap-env.yaml
@@ -288,13 +288,13 @@ data:
   {{- if .Values.externalAuth.ldap.enabled }}
   LDAP_ENABLED: {{ .Values.externalAuth.ldap.enabled | quote }}
   LDAP_HOST: {{ }}
-  LDAP_PORT: {{ .Values.externalAuth.ldap.port }}
+  LDAP_PORT: {{ .Values.externalAuth.ldap.port | quote }}
   LDAP_METHOD: {{ .Values.externalAuth.ldap.method }}
   {{- with .Values.externalAuth.ldap.base }}
   LDAP_BASE: {{ . }}
   {{- end }}
-  {{- with .Values.externalAuth.ldap.bind_on }}
-  LDAP_BIND_ON: {{ . }}
+  {{- with .Values.externalAuth.ldap.bind_dn }}
+  LDAP_BIND_DN: {{ . }}
   {{- end }}
   {{- with .Values.externalAuth.ldap.password }}
   LDAP_PASSWORD: {{ . }}

The port needs to be quoted or k8s will complain about a number value for a string. and it's dn not on. The key in the values file should be updated as well.
