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Instance isnt in the list #256

Open BennyWindolph opened 1 year ago

BennyWindolph commented 1 year ago

Our instance isnt listed because of manual approval. We use it as a spam prevention method.

I get the UX point of it. New users want to start immediately. I get that. But is it better to have instances that are quite new and they are getting bigger but will likely to go offline because the admin(s) underestimated the work or cost to put into an instance. So users have to migrate.

Or is it better to have instances with a lot of spam users in the fediverse, that get blocked because of spam?

Maybe its good to overthink this decision and treat instances equally.

fuerchtegottt commented 1 year ago

The manual approver process really is a good step to prevent spam accounts. On well operated instances with already big ammounts of active users this should be no problem (regarding reaction times). Why are you discriminating against instances with high quality standards in approval?

Please change that rule.

JSilkens commented 1 year ago

Same for me. Because most signups happens in the official mobile (iOS/Android) app.

BennyWindolph commented 1 year ago

I just found out, its only the apps (iOS and Android) where we arent listed because of manual approval. But its problem many other admins are aware of and want it to be changed.