masuday / data

Data files useful for BLUPF90 programs
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question on mltdm example data #2

Open vincenzolandi opened 4 years ago

vincenzolandi commented 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for the tutorial, please I have a question about the example on multiple lactations . In the file line 11 to 16 indicating the two lactations, please can you specify what kind of data these 6 column contain and how they are obtianed? And why each lactation has 3 data...they are divided by DIM class? Sorry for stupid question, I am starting in this area. Thank you!

masuday commented 4 years ago

I assume you are talking about

This parameter file assumes 3 RRM coefficients per lactation per animal (intercept, 1st order, and 2nd order Legendre polynomials). Columns 11-16 contain the coefficients of Legendre polynomials; 11, 12, 13 for the 1st lactation, and 14, 15, 16 for the 2nd lactation. Those coefficients should be calculated by yourself. One way to get the coefficients is our program, legendre, which is available at our repository; see the Temp directory in each OS.