matanshukry / flutter_google_places_sdk

Flutter plugin for google places native sdk
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Error saying package has missing methods #62

Closed covacialex closed 8 months ago

covacialex commented 8 months ago

I've used this package on another project a few months ago and has been working perfectly fine. Now that I've started a new project and wanted to import the code I wrote on the older one, the app crashes on startup. I've tried starting brand new clear projects with just this package installed and I still get the same error. I've asked my colleague to do the same, and he gets the same error.


This is what I have inside the package:


matanshukry commented 8 months ago

@covacialex I tried the example from this package again, while using the public version (0.3.7) and it works. To clarify, I used the termina:

flutter clean
flutter build web
flutter run -d edge

If it still doesn't work for you, please upload a reproducible example I can download and run (or rather try to run, and get the same error as you).

covacialex commented 8 months ago

@matanshukry Thanks for the quick reply. I've copied and pasted what was missing inside the package from my previous project for a quick workaround. Now I've tried to reproduce the same error but it works just fine. I have absolutely no idea what could've been the problem. Probably some hidden caching? Although I cleared the cache with the terminal as well as deleted the whole folder, beats me.