matatonic / openedai-whisper

An OpenAI API compatible speech to text server for audio transcription and translations, aka. Whisper.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
10 stars 2 forks source link

Feature Request: Model unload #1

Open neubsi opened 1 week ago

neubsi commented 1 week ago

Hi, thx for the hard work!

Would it be possible to unload the model from VRAM after a certain time? For testing and VRAM contraints, when using multiple services, that would be really helpfull.

Kinda like the "keep_alive" in ollama. "0" to unload instantly after the request, "-1" for never undload "5m" for 5 minutes after the last request.

thank you

matatonic commented 1 week ago

Interesting, yeah, I think that's doable.

neubsi commented 1 week ago

Hi, i´ve made a proof of concept, quick and dirty again;)

i added the loguru as well, just for some output. unload happens after 60s of the last usage changes are marked,

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import argparse

import torch
from transformers import pipeline
# neubsi
import threading
import time
from loguru import logger
# ~neubsi
from typing import Optional, List
from fastapi import UploadFile, Form
from fastapi.responses import PlainTextResponse, JSONResponse
import uvicorn

import openedai

pipe = None
app = openedai.OpenAIStub()

# neubsi
def unload():"Unloading model")
    global pipe
    if pipe is not None:
        import gc
        del pipe
        pipe = None

# ~neubsi

async def whisper(file, response_format: str, **kwargs):
    global pipe
    # neubsi
    global timer
    global time_s

    if timer is not None:
        timer.cancel()  # Cancel any existing timer
    if pipe is None:"Loading model {args.model}")
        pipe = pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition", model=args.model, device=device, chunk_length_s=30, torch_dtype=dtype)
    # ~neubsi
    result = pipe(await, **kwargs)

    # neubsi"Setting unload timer to {time_s} seconds")
    timer = threading.Timer(time_s, unload)
    # ~neubsi

    filename_noext, ext = os.path.splitext(file.filename)

    if response_format == "text":
        return PlainTextResponse(result["text"].strip(), headers={"Content-Disposition": f"attachment; filename={filename_noext}.txt"})

    elif response_format == "json":
        return JSONResponse(content={'text': result['text'].strip()}, media_type="application/json", headers={"Content-Disposition": f"attachment; filename={filename_noext}.json"})

    elif response_format == "verbose_json":
        chunks = result["chunks"]

        response = {
            "task": kwargs['generate_kwargs']['task'],
            # "language": "english",
            "duration": chunks[-1]['timestamp'][1],
            "text": result["text"].strip(),
        if kwargs['return_timestamps'] == 'word':
            response['words'] = [{'word': chunk['text'].strip(), 'start': chunk['timestamp'][0], 'end': chunk['timestamp'][1]} for chunk in chunks]
            response['segments'] = [{
                "id": i,
                # "seek": 0,
                'start': chunk['timestamp'][0],
                'end': chunk['timestamp'][1],
                'text': chunk['text'].strip(),
                # "tokens": [ ],
                # "temperature": 0.0,
                # "avg_logprob": -0.2860786020755768,
                # "compression_ratio": 1.2363636493682861,
                # "no_speech_prob": 0.00985979475080967
            } for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks)]

        return JSONResponse(content=response, media_type="application/json", headers={"Content-Disposition": f"attachment; filename={filename_noext}_verbose.json"})

    elif response_format == "srt":
        def srt_time(t):
            return "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:06.3f}".format(int(t // 3600), int(t // 60) % 60, t % 60).replace(".", ",")

        return PlainTextResponse("\n".join([f"{i}\n{srt_time(chunk['timestamp'][0])} --> {srt_time(chunk['timestamp'][1])}\n{chunk['text'].strip()}\n"
                                            for i, chunk in enumerate(result["chunks"], 1)]), media_type="text/srt; charset=utf-8",
                                 headers={"Content-Disposition": f"attachment; filename={filename_noext}.srt"})

    elif response_format == "vtt":
        def vtt_time(t):
            return "{:02d}:{:06.3f}".format(int(t // 60), t % 60)

        return PlainTextResponse("\n".join(["WEBVTT\n"] + [f"{vtt_time(chunk['timestamp'][0])} --> {vtt_time(chunk['timestamp'][1])}\n{chunk['text'].strip()}\n"
                                                           for chunk in result["chunks"]]), media_type="text/vtt; charset=utf-8",
                                 headers={"Content-Disposition": f"attachment; filename={filename_noext}.vtt"})

# neubsi
timer = None
time_s = 60

# ~neubsi"/v1/audio/transcriptions")
async def transcriptions(
        file: UploadFile,
        model: str = Form(...),
        language: Optional[str] = Form(None),
        prompt: Optional[str] = Form(None),
        response_format: Optional[str] = Form("json"),
        temperature: Optional[float] = Form(None),
        timestamp_granularities: List[str] = Form(["segment"])
    global pipe

    kwargs = {'generate_kwargs': {'task': 'transcribe'}}

    if language:
        kwargs['generate_kwargs']["language"] = language
    # May work soon,
    #    if prompt:
    #        kwargs["initial_prompt"] = prompt
    if temperature:
        kwargs['generate_kwargs']["temperature"] = temperature
        kwargs['generate_kwargs']['do_sample'] = True

    if response_format == "verbose_json" and 'word' in timestamp_granularities:
        kwargs['return_timestamps'] = 'word'
        kwargs['return_timestamps'] = response_format in ["verbose_json", "srt", "vtt"]

    return await whisper(file, response_format, **kwargs)"/v1/audio/translations")
async def translations(
        file: UploadFile,
        model: str = Form(...),
        prompt: Optional[str] = Form(None),
        response_format: Optional[str] = Form("json"),
        temperature: Optional[float] = Form(None),
    global pipe

    kwargs = {'generate_kwargs': {"task": "translate"}}

    # May work soon,
    #    if prompt:
    #        kwargs["initial_prompt"] = prompt
    if temperature:
        kwargs['generate_kwargs']["temperature"] = temperature
        kwargs['generate_kwargs']['do_sample'] = True

    kwargs['return_timestamps'] = response_format in ["verbose_json", "srt", "vtt"]

    return await whisper(file, response_format, **kwargs)

def parse_args(argv=None):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='OpenedAI Whisper API Server',

    parser.add_argument('-m', '--model', action='store', default="openai/whisper-large-v2", help="The model to use for transcription. Ex. distil-whisper/distil-medium.en")
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', action='store', default="auto", help="Set the torch device for the model. Ex. cuda:1")
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--dtype', action='store', default="auto", help="Set the torch data type for processing (float32, float16, bfloat16)")
    parser.add_argument('-P', '--port', action='store', default=8000, type=int, help="Server tcp port")
    parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', action='store', default='localhost', help="Host to listen on, Ex.")
    parser.add_argument('--preload', action='store_true', help="Preload model and exit.")

    return parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

    if args.device == "auto":
        device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

    if args.dtype == "auto":
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            dtype = torch.bfloat16 if torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported() else torch.float16
            dtype = torch.float32
        dtype = torch.bfloat16 if args.dtype == "bfloat16" else torch.float16 if args.dtype == "float16" else torch.float32

        if dtype == torch.bfloat16 and not torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported():
            print("bfloat16 not supported on this hardware, falling back to float16", file=sys.stderr)
            dtype = torch.float16

    # pipe = pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition", model=args.model, device=device, chunk_length_s=30, torch_dtype=dtype)
    if args.preload:

    app.register_model('whisper-1', args.model),, port=args.port)  # , root_path=cwd, access_log=False, log_level="info", ssl_keyfile="cert.pem", ssl_certfile="cert.pem")

greetings and ty for this great project!