matchai / bird-box

🐦💬 Update a gist to contain your latest tweet
ISC License
182 stars 36 forks source link

Don't push to GitHub when there are no changes (Bird Spam 🔥🐦) #6

Open Snuggle opened 5 years ago

Snuggle commented 5 years ago

Oh my goshness, I'd feel bad for the poor GitHub gist servers! Does it make a "blank" revision each time it checks for a new Tweet? Ideally if there are no updates, nothing should happen and no update/revision should be made. You currently have 7,236 revisions to your bird-box here: :see_no_evil:

image Alt-text: A screenshot showing 30 revisions with "No changes" to the bird-box pinned Gist, all for the 8th of May.

Snuggle commented 4 years ago

:fire::fire_engine: — This has gotten bad enough to make GitHub return a 500 error when clicking on revisions, oh dear.
