As the functional tester for this pull request, I verify that:
[ ] The main navigation menu has a nicely styled mobile version.
Once testing is complete, notify the author of any failed tests and move the task to "Kick back" in Asana. If all tests pass, move the task to "Ready for Code Review" in Asana and tag a team member for code review.
Code review
As the code reviewer for this pull request, I verify that:
[ ] All automated tests have passed.
[ ] The code is written (or documented) in a way that is easy to understand.
[ ] The code is free of obvious errors.
[ ] The code is free of obvious duplication.
[ ] The code follows our coding standards.
[ ] The code is sanitized or escaped appropriately for any SQL or XSS injection possibilities.
Once testing is complete, notify the author of any failed tests and move the task to "Kick back" in Asana or continue with the "merging" steps below.
As the individual merging this pull request, I verify that:
[ ] All automated tests have passed.
[ ] All functional tests have passed.
[ ] All code review tests have passed.
[ ] I have moved the task to "Ready to Deploy" in Asana and notified the pull request author.
Changes proposed in this pull request
This PR adds styling that is applied to the main nav mobile menu.
Pre-submit checklist
As the author of this pull request, I verify that:
How to test the changes in this pull request
Follow the steps below to test the changes in this PR.
test environment.Functional tests
As the functional tester for this pull request, I verify that:
Once testing is complete, notify the author of any failed tests and move the task to "Kick back" in Asana. If all tests pass, move the task to "Ready for Code Review" in Asana and tag a team member for code review.
Code review
As the code reviewer for this pull request, I verify that:
Once testing is complete, notify the author of any failed tests and move the task to "Kick back" in Asana or continue with the "merging" steps below.
As the individual merging this pull request, I verify that:
┆Issue is synchronized with this Asana task