matchyc / mysteryann

🏆 Winning NeurIPS (NIPS) Competition Track: Big ANN, Practical Vector Search Challenge 2023. (see big-ann-benchmark The fastest cross-modal vector retrieval.
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Datasets and indexes files on Zenodo are inaccessible #2

Closed weiwch closed 1 month ago

weiwch commented 1 month ago

I am very interested in your work and would like to reproduce your results. However, I do not have access to the files you have stored on Zenodo (e.g. in and When I try to access these links, the page only displays 'Permission required. You do not have sufficient permissions to view this page.' Could you please confirm if the data is open-access? I have tried accessing with different accounts, but I receive the same message. Could you confirm if accounts other than yours can access the data?

matchyc commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your attention. To download files, please try this link:

Please note that the main branch is deprecated. The competition version is on another branch, and the paper version is available at