matcornic / hugo-theme-learn

Porting Grav Learn theme to Hugo
MIT License
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Issue with setting landingPageURL being reliant on languages #525

Open amlwwalker opened 2 years ago

amlwwalker commented 2 years ago

If you want to serve Hugo using this theme on

then in config.toml you can set

baseURL = ''

this will fix all the links between pages to use the /tutorials path as part of every URL

However this doesn't fix the "Home" or Icon links, which take you to the root of the domain (i.e rather than

Looking at the code for these:

The logo has the link:

<a id="logo" href='{{ (cond (and (ne .Site.Params.landingPageURL nil) (.Site.IsMultiLingual)) .Site.Params.landingPageURL "/") }}'>

and the Home button has the link

<a class="padding" href='{{ (cond (and (ne .Site.Params.landingPageURL nil) (.Site.IsMultiLingual)) .Site.Params.landingPageURL "/") }}'>{{ safeHTML (cond (ne .Site.Params.landingPageName nil) .Site.Params.landingPageName "<i class='fas fa-home'></i> Home") }}</a>

in both cases then it suggests that setting the landingPageURL='/tutorials in config would be what is required however, and I think its a bug, this actually would only work if multiple languages are set, i.e to be able to specify a path on the Home/logo links you need multi language (IsMultiLingual) but you don't need multilanguage to update the base URL?

I think that there is a bug that means that the path/url for these is reliant on multi language and that shouldn't be a requirement?

Shouldn't the baseURL be the default (otherwise / ) for Home/Icon link?

McShelby commented 2 years ago

This was fixed by @helfper in the fork. Feel free to check it out.