mate-desktop / caja

Caja, the file manager for the MATE desktop
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Loading old saved folder view settings? #1662

Open dagleykd opened 1 year ago

dagleykd commented 1 year ago

Sorry to ask this here, as this is not an issue, but a question. I just had to reinstall Linux Mint on my laptop and now have it set up, but I have a VERY large and very organized layout of folders filled with photos and documents in my Home folder with many folders using their own view settings (Compact, List or Icons)...most of which I use for work and need to be able to access quickly when called on.

As there are many hundreds of folders, I would rather not have to go through ALL of them again to re-setup all my folder view preferences as it would take a LONG time....time I do not really have of late.

I do have a backup clone of my laptop from a few weeks ago (though the clone is Linux Mint 20.3 MATE) Is there a way that I could copy over Caja's saved preferences for individual folders from the clone so that it would re-load my old folder view settings meaning I would not have to set up my viewing preferences for every single folder again?

Thanks for any help, it's greatly appreciated! :)

Linux Distribution

Linux Mint 21 MATE

lukefromdc commented 1 year ago

Clonimg the WHOLE home directory or keeping it on a separate, re-used partition should certainly do ir. For just rhe settings, copyiing and restorimg ALL the hidden folders and files (where your configuration lives) should do it

dagleykd commented 1 year ago

I'm just looking for the settings for Caja to get the old folder views I had set on my last install back because Mint 21 is different under the skin to Mint 20.3 and all the files I've mentioned are in the same place they were before.

Where would I find the Caja files you mention I should copy? The only thing I see is a caja folder in the .config folder of my Home directory?

dagleykd commented 1 year ago

Clonimg the WHOLE home directory or keeping it on a separate, re-used partition should certainly do ir. For just rhe settings, copyiing and restorimg ALL the hidden folders and files (where your configuration lives) should do it optional there away to apply a folder view to a folder and all it's subfolders in Caja? I know Nemo in Cinnamon allows for this through a Terminal there a way to do this in Caja? I could at least set my entire Pictures folder to all 'Icons' that way and then adjust any within that I need to manually....?

If it's not an option, could I suggest it as a feature request? I believe it's possible in every version of Windows since Win7 as well.

lukefromdc commented 1 year ago

Not that I know of: I have never seen an option to recursively apply view settings etc recursively to a folder and all its subdirectories.