mate-desktop / caja

Caja, the file manager for the MATE desktop
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Caja returns 'Floating point exception' on close #1738

Open scott092707 opened 10 months ago

scott092707 commented 10 months ago

Expected behaviour

returns '0'

Actual behaviour

returns '136' or 'Floating point exception'

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

run caja 'Close All Windows'

MATE general version

running Sway 1.7-6 (Wayland), not MATE

Package version


Linux Distribution testing/main amd64 Packages

Link to bugreport of your Distribution (requirement)

Not planning to pursue this further, as it seems not to affect app usage - just occurs at close.

I had altered a script that places windows on specific workspaces. It would run the app, then look for matching app_id or class, and move the window to specified workspace. Caja was one of the apps I launch with the script at login.

Initially, I lazily assumed that if 'eval'-ing the app failed, than the app had not been found. Ending all other script-launched apps generated no message, but caja said "Command not found"

Clearly, in retrospect, this was NOT the way to see if the command existed, and I have since removed the offending code and done it properly (command -v).

However, in testing what return value caja generated, I ran the script from the terminal, and found the value '136'. Googleing lists of return values, I found that 128+n were signals, and that 136-128=8 was 'floating point exception', which was actually printed out when I further altered the script:

/home/scott/.local/bin/ line 85: 1769773 Floating point exception caja -t /home/scott/ /home/scott/.local /home/scott/.local/bin .local/share/applications /home/scott/Documents/ComputerRelated /home/scott/Documents/ComputerRelated/logs /home/scott/Documents /home/scott/.config /home/scott/.config/sway

This does not seem to affect using caja, and I would never have known it existed, if I had not run caja from the terminal, and closed it out.

I figured you would (might?) want to know, though...

lukefromdc commented 10 months ago

That sounds like a divide by zero, which we DO need to know about due to potential exploits based on such things elsewhere