mate-desktop / caja

Caja, the file manager for the MATE desktop
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High CPU load #1739

Open jkpubsrc opened 10 months ago

jkpubsrc commented 10 months ago

Expected behaviour

Caja not spawning hundreds or thousands of processes per second causing 100% load of a single CPU.

Actual behaviour

Caja seems to excessively spawn background processes consuming all processing power of a single CPU core.

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

Ubuntu Mate desktop after logging in: The CPU load goes up to 100% (= a single CPU core).

Using top I was able to see new caja processes on every single refresh of the system state presented by top. Therefore, I assume that caja launches processes again and again and again. Every refresh then presents a caja process with a different process ID.

To work around this problem I run a sudo chmod a-x /usr/bin/caja followed by a sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/caja. Then the system load goes down to near zero. caja stopped spawning processes. After starting to work very soon the Ubuntu MATE desktop crashes entirely and very suddenly I find my self back on the login screen. After logging in again there is the same behavior: 100% CPU load, caja launching processes. Then again I execute a sudo chmod a-x /usr/bin/caja followed by a sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/caja. The system load then goes down and this time the Ubuntu MATE desktop seems to be stable.

This behavior of caja suddenly appeared after an update quite some months ago. I have hoped that future updates would resolve this issue. But unfortunately, no update has ever improved this situation. That's why I'm writing this bug report now.

MATE general version


No extensions are enabled. Media handling is disabled (= "Never prompt or start programs on media insertion"). Previewing is disabled.

Package version


Linux Distribution

Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS

Link to bugreport of your Distribution (requirement)

thesquash commented 10 months ago

I ought to warn you that, while you are using an Ubuntu LTS release, MATE packages on Ubuntu are only supported for three years. So your Ubuntu MATE system is actually a bit outdated. I see you're using MATE 1.24; you might want to try upgrading to Ubuntu MATE 22.04 (which uses MATE 1.26) and see if the trouble persists.

Also, do you have a startup application (System -> Preferences -> Personal -> Startup Applications) which opens Caja on startup? If so, you too might be affected by the following issue:

5meat-flower commented 2 months ago

I have the same problem with the debian12 distro, MATE version is 1.26.0-1.

lukefromdc commented 2 months ago

Try adding a new user as a test, and seeing if this happens on logging in as that user. If it does not, you've got something corrupted in your configuration, the "nuclear" option for this is to move all your . files (hidden config files) to a backup location and reconfigure your desktop anew. This is something I have to do from time to time when various mystery bugs crop up, and indeed this often fixes such problems.