mate-desktop / caja

Caja, the file manager for the MATE desktop
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Source Compiled Caja 1.28 doesn't display buttons or allow right clicks and more. Earlier versions don't have this problem #1768

Closed LinuxBeaver closed 4 months ago

LinuxBeaver commented 4 months ago

I am on Fedora 38 and compiling Caja was a success but a lot is missing. I guess this Caja is not integrated into my system because the Caja from my systems repo works fine. However it does remember my bookmarks. Alt back and forward do not allow me to go back forward or home.


LinuxBeaver commented 4 months ago

Caja 1.26.1 was compiled successfully (the same version my system uses) without any problem and I renamed my systems caja to /usr/bin/caja2 to make sure it wasn't calling that.

btw I am running Caja on the Cinnamon Desktop so that might explain things. But why does Caja work normal on the previous version but not the latest version? image

LinuxBeaver commented 4 months ago


I just compiled Caja 1.26.3 and it doesn't have the problem 1.28.0 has

LinuxBeaver commented 4 months ago

I just recompiled 1.28.0 and now it works 100% TMK. I think it went wrong because of an original compile failure and I didn't clean up the failed build.


These are the commands I use to compile Caja


./ --prefix=/usr make

Caja is then ran using


While building 1.28.0 15-20 minutes ago I made errors and didn't clean.

This issue can be closed as I solved my own problem.