mate-desktop / marco

MATE default window manager
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Firefox 89 Webrender rendering issue with "marco + compositing" window manager #687

Closed jgmm81 closed 1 year ago

jgmm81 commented 3 years ago

Expected behaviour

Runs normally Firefox 89 with proton UI and rendering with "marco + compositing" window manager and Firefox hardware acceleration option enabled

Actual behaviour

The web browser firefox 89 with on new "Proton user interface" and hardware acceleration enabled cannot run (crash) on linux mint mate version 20x using window manager set to (Marco + Compositing)

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

Update to Firefox 89 with Proton UI and run

MATE general version

Mate 1.24.0

Package version

Ulyssa 64-bit

Linux Distribution

Linux Mint Mate 20.1

Link to bugreport of your Distribution (requirement)

jgmm81 commented 2 years ago


I found that the acceleration by (Option "AccelMethod" "uxa") on my laptop (HP EliteBook G1, Intel i5 i5-4300U) has an issue when it comes back from sleep that the screen is black and only shows the mouse pointer

How did I solve it? I changed the parameters by activating DRI3 and now it works much better as when it was in (Option "AccelMethod" "sna") by default

Note: Just specify these options in the file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf"

Section "Module" Load "dri3" EndSection

Section "Device" Identifier "Intel Graphics" Driver "intel" Option "DRI" "3" EndSection

If you are using the drivers for the DisplayLink ports, do the following:

URL DisplayLink Drivers

  1. Leave blank or comment everything related to (DRI3) in the file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf"

  2. Edit the file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-displaylink.conf" only specifying the following:

Section "Module" Load "dri3" EndSection

Section "Device" Identifier "Intel" Driver "intel" Option "DRI" "3" EndSection

Note: If in the installation of the Displaylink drivers there is a chmod error and interrupts the installation

a. Edit the file
b. Find all of the following matches (without quotes) "displaylink-driver-${version}."
c. change the dot (.) To the symbol (-) closing the key symbol

Example Before: displaylink-driver-${version}.[0-9]*

After displaylink-driver-${version}-[0-9]*

More info: (the commands works with Linux mint mate)

JSBern commented 1 year ago

Is this still an issue with current software

lukefromdc commented 1 year ago

Hardware acceleration on marco means using it with Compton, most likely an issue there meant an incompatability with Firefox hardware acceleration. While Compton and MATE are widely used together, we are not the maintainers of Compton and they need to know if this is still going on.

Firefox is now at version 115. Compton may have changed a lot too. I would suggest testing wtih current firefox and current Compton, and if the issue still exists open an issue with Compton. We can't do anything about it here UNLESS compton and firefox work with some other WM supporting Compton but not in Marco. If that is so I will reopen this