mate-desktop / marco

MATE default window manager
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Windows Drift Incrementally When Setting Placement with `disable-workarounds` Set to `true` #760

Open marcxjo opened 11 months ago

marcxjo commented 11 months ago

Expected behaviour

Using an external tool like xdotool to position a window managed with Marco under X11, should be deterministic and position windows exactly as specified.

Actual behaviour

Instead of being placed as specified, windows drift up 10px and to the left 10px when using xdotool, regardless of the specified position.

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

While running Marco as wm:

$ xdotool getactivewindow windowmove 100 100

Note that I have tested this behavior with several non-terminal applications, including caja and Firefox, both of which exhibit the drifting behavior. The terminal was chosen to enable using the getactivewindow keyword in xdotool.

Using the above procedure, dconf-editor does not move at all when attempting to reposition. JetBrains CLion can be positioned as expected using xdotool and appears not to be impacted by this issue.

MATE general version


Package version

$ marco --version
marco 1.26.2

Linux Distribution

Arch Linux, all packages up to date as of 20230814

Link to bugreport of your Distribution (requirement)

None at this time - believed to be upstream