mate-desktop / mate-panel

MATE panel
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Guake not shown in Notification area. #666

Closed shirishag75 closed 5 years ago

shirishag75 commented 6 years ago

Expected behaviour

Guake should show up in Notification area,

Actual behaviour

Guake should show up in Notification area, it doesn't.

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

I have no idea what is the problem, I did remove the upper panel and started afresh, when I put the notification area, I expected Guake to show up, it didn't, dunno why.

If I do use the mouse pointer to point exactly between notification area and qbittorrent I do get indication about guake .

This has been happening for quite sometime now. notification-area-no-guake

[$] apt-cache policy mate-panel                                                                                                    
  Installed: 1.18.4-2
  Candidate: 1.18.4-2
  Version table:
 *** 1.18.4-2 600
        600 buster/main amd64 Packages
          1 unstable/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Linux Distribution

Debian Testing

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monsta commented 6 years ago

@flexiondotorg @sunweaver @lukefromdc @raveit65 @sc0w Can you guys reproduce it? I wasn't able (in Debian Testing at least).

raveit65 commented 6 years ago

I don't know this app and i don't see any hints how to use it. Why people think that that i should installed an unknown app on my system with incomplete steps to reproduce? :P

Edit: In other words, what the hell is Guake?

sc0w commented 6 years ago

I can see the guake icon in the notification area

The first time I run it, it goes to the notifiaction area

guake 0.8.10-1 mate-panel 1.18.4-2 gtk 3.22.24-3

debian testing

lukefromdc commented 6 years ago

I also do not have guake installed. Looks like it's just a drop-down terminal app. In synaptic I see guake and guake-indicator listed as available. Unfortunately it pulls in a bunch of dependencies so it is not very practical for me to test and then get rid of all the stuff it pulled in. If you are getting no icon but can hover between two icons, this looks like a zero icon width bug or an icon problem. In SNI mode, a missing icon will bring up the generic "missing icon" icon so that's probably not the problem.

Try changing through all your themes and seeing if the icon appears.

monsta commented 6 years ago

Yeah it's a drop-down terminal app, one of several ones out there.

monsta commented 6 years ago

It doesn't depend on any appindicator stuff, so SNI mode is out of question.

shirishag75 commented 5 years ago

FWIW, guake now shows up but looks weird keyboard-led-not-showing-in-notification-area

guake is a terminal emulator

monsta commented 5 years ago

This apparently happened right after GTK+ 3.24 replaced 3.22 in Debian Testing. I can now reproduce this icon corruption in Ubuntu 18.10 with mate-panel 1.20.3 and GTK+ 3.24.1.

It's a different problem than the one reported here originally though. Do we have any other reports about it?

monsta commented 5 years ago

@lukefromdc: I've picked the fix from and built 1.20 branch with it. Had to do some manual work, the commit didn't apply cleanly... So it didn't fix this corruption of Guake icon for me. Are there some other tray fixes which aren't picked to 1.20 yet?

Tested in a VM and without HiDPI.

lukefromdc commented 5 years ago

I really don't know at this point: I don't have anything with the full set of 1.20 packages installed, and didn't see anything obvious but there are a lot of other differences now from the wide panel work in master. Have you tested this with master (1.21) to see if there is any difference? Also, make sure you both build and run with either GTK 3.24 or GTK 3.22, don't mix these up.

lukefromdc commented 5 years ago

I just verified by a test install over master that whatever this is, it is not a cherrypicking issue. I wonder however if the problem is in Guake itself and NOT in the panel, as the icon for a status icon is set up by the application setting a GtkStatusIcon and the contents of the small window containing it are what get passed to the GtkSocket using Xembed.

Got these results on first a small, then a large panel, with only a tiny sub 16px icon working right:



lukefromdc commented 5 years ago

Also note that a guake-indicator package is now available(at least in Debian and presumably Ubuntu). Install this and have it start at login rather than guake itself, and it will start an instance of guake. Turn off guake's own tray icon in preferences(right click the guake terminal to get there without the icon) and you are done. This is a workaround, not a fix, but I strongly suspect the issue is in guake and not in mate-panel with the tray icon.

monsta commented 5 years ago

I don't mix GTK+ versions, every VM has its own version from the corresponding Debian/Ubuntu release. So I've tested in a few other configurations too.

It's reproducible in all these cases. So could be indeed Guake's own problem...

monsta commented 5 years ago

Ok, so this is already reported at, and it happens in Xfce too. This is only about Guake 3.x.x releases which are GTK+3.

The original problem reported here is about older versions of Guake (0.8.x) which are GTK+2. I was never able to reproduce the issue.

Given all this, should we close this report?

lukefromdc commented 5 years ago

OK, we can probably close this, as the same issue with GTK3 versions of Guake is being reported across multiple DE's with different trays. Some of this may be maintainance issues with GtkStatusIcon or GtkPlug/Socket themselves, I would imagine Xembed itself is properly taken care of.

This also tells me that tray issues with mate-power-management and with the mate volume control applet may need some work on our part in those packages. Since there are at least some status icons that render troublefree , we may just have to limit what we ourselves now do with GtkStatusIcon to those things that still work correctly. That was why I dropped my effort to add an icon and slider for recording from output sound to mate-media's volume control applet: I just could not make the icon reliable with how GtkStatusIcon is behaving these days.

lukefromdc commented 5 years ago and the fix for it in may be how to fix this sort of problem (corrupted icons sent to the tray) in our own applications setting status icons and improves HiDPI rendering to boot. This might also be what Guake developers need to do upstream.

monsta commented 5 years ago

Yeah, GtkStatusIcon is deprecated, so they probably don't add any fixes to it.

lukefromdc commented 5 years ago

The icon tiling issue in GTK 3 turned out to indeed be a gtkstatusicon issue, for which a PR has been submitted to GTK 3.24 and fixed it in my testing:


shirishag75 commented 5 years ago

umm... so what do we as users do now, wait for a new gtk+ release to come out or guake upstream also needs to do some fixing ? I noticed the same issue in lxqt as well :(

lukefromdc commented 5 years ago

No change needed in Guake, if the GTK devs merge the fix it should make it into GTK 3.24.3. Note that GTK 3.24.2 just came out today, only to be followed by a commit to revert a commit that broke the entire build. Thus the possible scenarios are:
1: GTK devs merge the PR with the fix, and due to the build failure GTK 3.24.3 soon comes out and includes this. 2: GTK devs merge the PR with the fix but release GTK 3.24.3 to fix the build that this misses the window and has to wait for GTK 3.24.4 which would then be a couple months away. 3: GTK devs merge the PR with the fix, then a couple months wait for GTK 3.24.3 (maybe after a 3.24.2 re-release with nothing but fixing the build) 4:GTK devs don't merge this at all.

Also, if your distro uses GTK 3.22, I have no idea if this would ever be backported. Note that mate-panel and some other programs have to be rebuilt for GTK 3.24 if you want to get good results on a HiDPI screen but will work fine on a normal resolution screen without rebuilding.

shirishag75 commented 5 years ago

that really depends upon Debian. Debian will enter soft freeze at Feb. end but might make an exception depending on when it's released. We are currently at -

$ apt-cache policy libgtk-3-0
  Installed: 3.24.1-3
  Candidate: 3.24.1-3
  Version table:
 *** 3.24.1-3 500
        500 unstable/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     3.24.1-2 990
        990 buster/main amd64 Packages

so a point release should be doable.

Actually they just pushed the new release in debian sid as well. so we now have 3.24-2 as well.

lukefromdc commented 5 years ago

Fix in GTK 3.24 branch is now merged, so its just a matter of waiting for GTK 3.24.3 which should include it.

muktupavels commented 5 years ago

There might be new release before Christmas. :)

shirishag75 commented 5 years ago

There might be new release before Christmas. :)

please intimate if it happens so. There is a delay in getting gtk 3.24.2 . If gtk 3.24.3 gets released, could ask the Debian Developers (DD) who are maintaining that package to get the release and see how guake icon looks afterwards in mate-panel, xfce-panel and lxqt, all in which guake fails at the present to give nice icon in the system tray.

lukefromdc commented 5 years ago

GTK 3.24.2 as initially tagged had a commit with a typo that broke the build, thus no surprise it has not appeared as a released build.

shirishag75 commented 5 years ago

In Debian they did use the patch which fixed the typo and released it yesterday/today. See

lukefromdc commented 5 years ago

To get this into Debian Stable and other releases that predate GTK 3.24 would require a cherrypick into GTK 3.22, assuming the commits would apply clean-or for distros to apply it as a patch. That would clean up a lot of ugly rendering for a lot of people I suspect.

muktupavels commented 5 years ago

You can try to ask that they add one more patch.

shirishag75 commented 5 years ago

They could make a patch that works with 3.22 and release it as 3.22.1 . With git there is never an issue of doing something like that and happens all the time. If nobody else puts up a request, I will do the same in few hours. If somebody else does, please intimate the same.

muktupavels commented 5 years ago

I think they have stated (I might be wrong) that there won't be new 3.22.x release. So none is going to spend time to merge fix in gtk-3-22 branch... Anyway patch should apply cleanly there and probably even to older releases.

Just ask your distro maintainer to add that patch.

shirishag75 commented 5 years ago

This hasn't been fixed. I got the updated version and tried running guake in mate-session on Debian testing and the results have been as before. In fact I saw even :(

Will share the screenshot in a sec.

shirishag75 commented 5 years ago


muktupavels commented 5 years ago

With updated version you mean gtk+3.0 3.24.2-3 that you linked previously? It does not include fix...

shirishag75 commented 5 years ago

apparently the maintainer included the fix, at least that is what was told to me, although it doesn't appear in the debian changelog

muktupavels commented 5 years ago

It is different fix for different problem. You need this -

lukefromdc commented 5 years ago

Package version you are waiting for will probably get a name like gtk+3.0 3.24.3-1not the already mentioned gtk+3.0 3.24.2-3which is a (presumably the third) build of gtk 3.24.2

shirishag75 commented 5 years ago

yup, shared it with the maintainer and he would also be looking for the new release as and when it's released. It's just waiting time I guess now :(

shirishag75 commented 5 years ago

well seems the new point release will be after Christmas as it's just one day before Christmas and didn't see any info. at least on mailing list to indicate they are going to make a new release soon :(

shirishag75 commented 5 years ago

Still no update :(

shirishag75 commented 5 years ago

apparently, the new version would be released sometime this week.