mate-desktop / mate-panel

MATE panel
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Rendering problems(?) with icons on systray apcupsd-gui.... #751

Open linuxergr opened 6 years ago

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

Expected behaviour

Crean appearence of systray icons

Actual behaviour


Steps to reproduce the behaviour

Install any verion of apcupsd-gui on Mate Desktop

MATE general version


Package version


Linux Distribution

OpenSuse Leap 42.3 with Mate Desktop

Link to downstream report of your Distribution

lukefromdc commented 6 years ago

Try changing panel size up and down to see if it is an icon scaling issue. Also, is this an SNI (indicator) icon or a traditional tray icon? The code is different, and SNI support required a lot of work to deal with buggy/broken icon and icon path implementations by apps creating indicators but dealing with icons in nonstandard ways

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your answer.

I have allready tried to change the panel size, but the problem persists...

I have removed the transparency too, and the problem persists....

It is in the notification area of the Mate Panel and it is a traditional one. image image

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

Closed by mistake... Sorry...

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

The same problem exists on Fedora 26... Just confirmed....

raveit65 commented 6 years ago

apcupsd-gui is a gtk+-2 application here in f26, so i don't think they support SNI (libappindicator)

But honestly, i don't understand the issue The na-try applet looks like this here. na-tray-apcupsd This is with fedora 26 and MATE-1.20 from master.

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

My Fedora 26 (Korora) installation..... screenshot from 2018-03-08 12 22 46

Exactly the same issue...

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

OpenSuse is on Desktop/Workstation and Fedora 26 on Laptop... Nvidia and Intel GPUs respectively...

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

The same problem on CentOs 7 with Mate 1.16


raveit65 commented 6 years ago

What is the issue?

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

The apcupsd-gui icons...

raveit65 commented 6 years ago

Sorry, i don't see any wrong in screenshot. Please explain.....

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

The circles from keyboard leds indicator on the apcupsd-gui png icons on notification area. They do not exist in the applications pixmaps.... image

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

Maybe relevant.... Adding "marco-xcompmgr --replace" on startup MATE applications in OpenSuSe Leap 42.3 helps, but I cannot find the same package or how to do it, on Fedora 26 although xcompmgr is installed....

Screenshot from OpenSuse... image

raveit65 commented 6 years ago

Why i can't reproduce it? na-tray Btw. now it looks like that a color from MegaSync-applet is behind apcupsd applet. I will check it later in a f26 VM with origin mate-1.18.

info-cppsp commented 6 years ago

@psposito is it the only problem, that you have a circle around the UPS icon in the notif area applet?

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

How can I give you an answer? I can give you any further information, but not the answer... Yes, you see, it mixes with other icons.... VMs are not the same thing like bare metal....

info-cppsp commented 6 years ago

I mean that the ups icon looks different, than it should, but the applet, its menu, and everything works, and the other icons in the notif area also work as they should. It is only a graphical bug. Is this correct?

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

Yes... This is the reason of the "rendering?" title to this issue...

info-cppsp commented 6 years ago

ok, just making sure. What happens if the apc icon is the only icon in the notif area?

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

Give a clue how to remove all the other applets, to give you an answer.... How can I remove sound indicator, keyboard layout indicator e.t.c.? I have already mentioned above that by "marco-xcompmgr --replace" on startup, the problem is solved.... So it may be a composition manager's case and the marco-xcompmgr is missing on some distros...

info-cppsp commented 6 years ago

ok then, what happens if you remove every icon, you can? my idea is that there may be another icon that changes the apc icon somehow...

what if you use mate-panel --replace?

info-cppsp commented 6 years ago

did you write them too?

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

"what if you use mate-panel --replace?" On Fedora 26 no desktop panels are available after "mate-panel --replace" If I kill it, then I get the panels back....

"did you write them too?" No, because the issue is with Mate

info-cppsp commented 6 years ago in /src/gapcmon/gapcmon.c gapc_panel_systray_icon_create() calls eggtrayicon.c egg_tray_icon_new()

there is only one place in mate, where I could find EggTrayIcon:

I wonder if calling na_tray_child_force_redraw() would help. na_tray_force_redraw() na_host_init() na_host_force_redraw() na_box_force_redraw() na_tray_applet_change_background()

So if I'm correct, changing the panel background forces a redraw of the tray icons. Would you try that please?

raveit65 commented 6 years ago

Whoow, this applet has redraw problems, i never saw such a broken applet. In fedora 26 VM with Mate-1.18 i only increase the panel size from 24 to 133 px. with serveral applets in na-tray na-tray only with apcupsd applet na-tray-2 So, it's clear that the problem isn't related to other applets.

did you write them too?"

No, because the issue is with Mate

Why, what makes you so sure? I see this problem only with this applet I recomand to file out a report there for asking for expertise from the maintainer

lukefromdc commented 6 years ago

Any chance this applet never caught up with all the drawing changes when GTK 3.22 came out? A lot of deprecated stuff stopped working right, and in summer 2016 I had to deal with a hornet's nest of nasty rendering issues with things like Caja's desktop rendering. The redraw failure you show looks like an example of more of the same.

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

@info-cppsp @raveit65, I will report it on but why this happens only by certain composition managers?

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

Awaiting... image

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

I have registered on user's list, resend as a member, no answer yet.....

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

This is the sent message to user's list

No answer yet.....

Will there be any?

linuxergr commented 6 years ago

Shifted to XFCE on both Antergos and OpenSuse Tumbleweed, and the problem has been solved....


skoona commented 6 years ago

I'm the author of GAPCMON. As I follow this thread it seems your issues are caused by your environment and not a failure of gapcmon. Noted: gapcmon is a Gtk2 application that has dependencies on the Notification area. Many of its gtk2 components seem to have been depreciated and removed from several desktop environments.

I am considering a rewrite of gapcmon using gtk3. However, advance notice of gnome removing support for the notification-area gives me pause. I am also considering creating an MQTT client to push APC values to OpenHab2; which is more in my current scope of interest. I will announce via apcupsd's mailing list when I've made a decision.


linuxergr commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your feedback and the confirmation of rendering issue among GTK2 & GTK3...

Try to do your best to shift on GTK3, ever since most of the DEs are based on GTK3... (Not only Gnome) Mate and XFCE i.e. are using GTK3.....

Most of traditional Unix/Linux Power Users and Admins, use it on Mate/XFCEs DEs, so the applet will be good to stay around....
