Would you consider adding a choice to the right-click drop-down menu, "Zoom", which would create a pop-up zoom image of the chosen monitor on which the right-click was done?
I would suggest:
[a] the pop-up dimensions be 50% of each of the height and width of the full display
(or FULL display if simpler to implement),
[b] be placed in the centre centred on the screen
(unless you choose to implement an option, in preferences, to specify which quadrant
{ UL, UR, LL, LR } to place the ZOOMED resource monitor graph).
Possible alternative to do shift-CLICK to auto-pop the enlarged image.
Feature Request:
Would you consider adding a choice to the right-click drop-down menu, "Zoom", which would create a pop-up zoom image of the chosen monitor on which the right-click was done?
I would suggest:
[a] the pop-up dimensions be 50% of each of the height and width of the full display (or FULL display if simpler to implement),
[b] be placed in the centre centred on the screen (unless you choose to implement an option, in preferences, to specify which quadrant { UL, UR, LL, LR } to place the ZOOMED resource monitor graph).
Possible alternative to do shift-CLICK to auto-pop the enlarged image.
Thank you for your consideration.