matehat / brewer.js

Your asset management best friend
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0.5 Roadmap #9

Open matehat opened 12 years ago

matehat commented 12 years ago


A nice enhancement to the project, given we're going for the "tasking" features (see last section) for 0.5, would be that Brewer.js be able to "serve" assets. Also, a local webserver could also provide a graphical interface to manage Brewer.js projects. There should therefore be a system Node.js daemon (and child worker processes that handle serving files and the graphical web interface for Brewer.js)


Deployment tasks (pushing to S3, (S)FTP, or Git) could be added to enhance the workflow.


Different options could be available for using and manipulating templates:

Templates should be prepared for different kind of projects that would benefit from Brewer.js (web site, static web site, Node.js project /w documentation).

Assets et al.

Interesting additions would be :

Also, when specifying paths to assets, it would be nice to allow globs in addition to folders.


Every directive specified in a Brewfile could be viewed as expressions of structure or of "things to do", i.e. tasks. css, js barely express structure. less, stylus, coffeescript, etc. express structure, but also tasks (compilation). bundler express mainly tasks, just like some of the new directives from the ideas given here, such as serve, deploy, etc. Keeping this in mind, one should be able to organize tasks into higher level ones, using a task directive.

Vrtak-CZ commented 12 years ago

Is it possible add combine files support (merge all JS files to one)?

matehat commented 12 years ago

Could you describe a bit more what behavior you would expect from this feature? I'd like to know how to best implement this.

Vrtak-CZ commented 12 years ago

My wish is define list of files / dirs. This files / dirs merge & minify to defined file.

matehat commented 12 years ago

Sounds great! However, if you provide directories, how do you deal with the ordering of files that are found within? If files depend on one another, you probably need them inserted in the concatenated file in a certain order, so you would need a mechanism to specify the order of files found in a given dir. Obviously, you wouldn't need this when manually providing files since you provide the order just by doing so.

matehat commented 12 years ago

Can you open a new ticket with that feature request described with as much details as possible? That way, we can target that ticket specifically in development.

Vrtak-CZ commented 12 years ago

Yep #13 :-)