Hey, Thanks for the amazing work. I was trying to load the Resnet101 checkpoint for a comparison with other works but noticed that you are not loading the state_dict in strict mode (model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False)). I was wondering what is the reason to do this. I wanted to use the network as a feature extractor with pretrained imagenet and was asking this for a fair comparison of your work with existing other approaches.
Hey, Thanks for the amazing work. I was trying to load the Resnet101 checkpoint for a comparison with other works but noticed that you are not loading the state_dict in strict mode (model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False)). I was wondering what is the reason to do this. I wanted to use the network as a feature extractor with pretrained imagenet and was asking this for a fair comparison of your work with existing other approaches.