Open Abhinav43 opened 5 years ago
Assume we have 222 drugs, here are the shapes for each variable: adjs: a list with 4 elements, each adjs[i] with shape: (222, 222) features/x: (222, 582) y: (222, 222) train_mask: (222, 222) val_mask: (222, 222) test_mask: (222, 222)
Yes, the final mixedADJ will have the same shape as original adj.
I can upload the masks and adjs in this repo for reference.
Hello Ma,
I am trying to run your code but it requires
I checked the preprocessing files and for data format but couldn't find enough resources.
Since most of the graph convolutional networks are based on node prediction so their format are different i think?
Can you provide a simple preprocessing script with few artificial datapoints, That would help to understand the shape of all format placeholders. If I am trying to run this code on cora dataset I am getting error :
my data shapes look like this:
Can you share the correct shape format?
Second I was going through the paper ( , Paper says :
But in implementation you are not using element wise multiplication, also I am not clear about how you are concatenating with 0? If i am getting right then final mixedADJ will be same shape as original adj?
Thank you Keep writing and keep sharing good work. Looking forward to your reply, Thank you :)