mateor / pdroid-manager

A replacement for the original PDroid application by Syvat (used to configure the privacy settings used by the Privacy Settings Manager)
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Option to see core logging #28

Open M66B opened 11 years ago

M66B commented 11 years ago

Option to see the core PDroid logging to pinpoint problems like the Go SMS problem. A logcat contains mostly too much noise (not PDroid logging) to easily identify problems.

wsot commented 11 years ago

I can understand why you would want a feature like this, but to be honest I don't think I'll include it for a couple of reasons. First, there are good on-device logging apps like CatLog Log Reader and aLogCat, which provide filtering by app name and those sorts of things. The second reason is that viewing the logs of other apps now requires root access, so it would mean PDroid Manager requesting root privileges.

An alternative, which would require changes to the core, would be for PDroid core record its own logs internally, and then PDroid Manager could read the logs from the PDroid core.

Feel free to respond if you disagree, or want to raise other points.

tamcore commented 11 years ago

Maybe it would help if PDroid Core, etc would write it's logs to a different 'buffer'.

Changing stuff like System.err.println(....); to something like Log.d("PDroid", ...); would allow it to use adb logcat -b PDroid to get the correct logs.

wsot commented 11 years ago

TamCore: That would certainly be better. I'm actually going to do a bit of code clean-up on the core sometime soon so I'll probably try to do something about the logging then. Right now, there is just not enough useful detail to diagnose problems, and some annoying bugs (e.g. sending an intent directly to a class causes a null pointer exception stack trace).