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NetBeans with TMC 1.1.12 Memory / Processor usage problems #34

Closed syyspe closed 6 years ago

syyspe commented 6 years ago


Not sure if this is something to report here, but reporting anyway just to make you aware:

NetBeans with TMC 1.1.12 started experiencing memory / processor usage issues during last week (w8/2018). It would stop responding completely for minutes, the NetBeans window also started appearing / disappearing during these high resource usage spells. Attached screen from Windows 10 Taskmanager shows that the mem usage is nearly 1GB after one of these, the processor usage has already normalized in the screen, but it typically goes (and stys in) to 70 - 90 per cent during these. Sometimes waiting few minutes would help, but after few of these the only option is to restart netbeans,


syyspe commented 6 years ago

Possibly related to "checking for new exercises", today that task was running while this happened. Could be coincidence as well, I don't remember seeing that running in earlier instances of this.

Redande commented 6 years ago


Could you send your NetBeans IDE log by email to please? You get the IDE log from NetBeans by pressing 'View' --> 'IDE log' from the nav bar.

Also, how many projects do you have open currently? It's a known issue that if a student has too many projects open, the background scanning for each project can spike memory usage.

syyspe commented 6 years ago


IDE Log sent. Today part 8 projects + 2 open. Yesterday only 2 projects, no difference.

syyspe commented 6 years ago

It is getting very very very painful to use NetBeans... it constantly suddenly becomes slow as a snail. The below entries are still numerous in the log, even after logout / login and restart / logout / login. TMC -> Settings says I'm logged in though, and I can see the return status indicator in submitted projects.

Log snippet: SEVERE []: Communication with the server failed! INFO []: Sending failed Not logged in!

syyspe commented 6 years ago

Now I cannot submit Kertaus projects, after "submit" -> "waiting for results from server", the error dialog message says "Failed to process submission. Likely sent in incorrect format." Log doesn't contain anything like that error message though, there is just the "not logged in" errors.

syyspe commented 6 years ago

Submitting suddenly started working again. Periodic slowness continues.

Redande commented 6 years ago

We viewed the IDE log and made some fixes to get rid of the "Not logged in" problem. Could you please report back to us if the slowness has gone with the fix or if you're still experiencing the issue.

syyspe commented 6 years ago

Yes, thanks, slowness seems to be gone. It is working much better today morning.

Redande commented 6 years ago

Good to hear. Thanks for bringing the issue to our attention and helping us pinpoint the problem!