Open dkiktenko opened 1 year ago
You're correct, using android:background
and android:tint
won't get you the pencil icon you're describing with different stroke colors and background colors. Android:background
is generally used to change the actual drawable that is used for the view, or toggle button in this case, so I think it would just override the actual pencil icon (if it takes effect at all).
I think you can get the look you're describing by setting the icon to a custom VectorDrawable
and setting android:fillColor
and android:strokeColor
, but I'm passing this along to @paulfthomas who is more familiar with date picker who can weigh in and maybe suggest a better approach.
Description: With the source code provided below, I am not able to set so that the background of the switch-to-keyboard input toggle icon is different from the icon's tint (i.e., outline of the pencil is one color and the fill within the same is a different color)
Expected behavior: Tint applies to the pencil icon's outline color and Background applies to the pencil icon's shape fill color.
NOTE: It may be entirely possible here that I am misunderstanding the purpose of
and what I am trying to achieve is simply not possible. If so, please let me know and sincere apologies for wasting time.Source code:
In a module's styles.xml file, I have the following defined:
In my fragment:
Android API version: Android API 28 and 33
Material Library version: Material Android Library version 1.8.0
Device: Pixel 4, Pixel 6