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[BottomNavigationView] Switch tab will blink on target 29 #530

Closed kexuejin closed 4 years ago

kexuejin commented 5 years ago

Description: BottomNavigationView set labelVisibilityMode is auto or labeled, and set build target sdk to 29, switch tab will cause text blink.

Expected behavior: Text show normal when switch tab.

Source code: The code snippet which is causing this issue. Seems android 29 cause setVisibility not smooth. if (checked) { setViewLayoutParams( icon, (int) (defaultMargin + shiftAmount), Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.TOP); setViewValues(largeLabel, 1f, 1f, VISIBLE); setViewValues(smallLabel, scaleUpFactor, scaleUpFactor, INVISIBLE); } else { setViewLayoutParams(icon, defaultMargin, Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.TOP); setViewValues(largeLabel, scaleDownFactor, scaleDownFactor, INVISIBLE); setViewValues(smallLabel, 1f, 1f, VISIBLE); }

Android API version: Minimun: 27, target:29, Android Emulator: 29

Material Library version:

Device: Device: Pixel 3XL Emulator

tonylin99 commented 5 years ago

We encountered the similar issue. Here is the BottomNavigationView sample record. The inactive tab label blinks when 20190824_154920

michaldrabik commented 5 years ago

I'm experiencing the same thing. Testing on emulator, target 29.

ghost commented 5 years ago

I am seeing the same thing when I change my target SDK to 29.

I've tested across a few devices and it appears to only happen on those running Android 10 (my device is a Pixel 3). It's fine on devices running anything below Android 10.

davideagostini commented 5 years ago

I encountered the similar issue. The bug appears when I change my target SDK to 29.

tonylin99 commented 5 years ago

It happens when it is targeted to Q(29) and runs on Android Q. Here is the test result

  1. If the navigation sample is compiled and targeted to 28(P),
    it runs on Android P: normal. it runs on Android Q: normal.

  2. If the navigation sample is compiled and targeted to 29(Q),

it runs on Android P: normal. it runs on Android Q: blinking.

michaldrabik commented 5 years ago

@tonylin99 To clarify - It's not only 28 specific. It also blinks on lower SDKs. Can see it on M(23) as well.

tonylin99 commented 5 years ago

My pixel 3xl is upgraded to Android 10. Shared the video of the issue here. blink on pixel 3XL(Android 10)

lihenggui commented 5 years ago

Encountered similar issue, waiting for fixing.

gswierczynski commented 5 years ago

The color drops to transparent (presumably) for both items (currently selected and the one just tapped) after that they bot fade in to their correct colors (default and active respectively).

Selector passed to itemTextColor does not impact this transitional color.

adelinolobao commented 5 years ago

I'm also facing the same issue. I tried with latest publish version 1.1.0-alpha10 but the problem is still there. For me the issue is only happening in Android 10.

pvl2061 commented 5 years ago

It happens because of a transition that is implemented in BottomNavigationMenuView:

        this.set.setInterpolator(new FastOutSlowInInterpolator());
        this.set.addTransition(new TextScale());

The temporary ugly hack to fix the blinking is:

fun BottomNavigationView.fixBlinking() {
    val menuView = getChildAt(0) as BottomNavigationMenuView
    with("set")) {
        isAccessible = true
        set(menuView, AutoTransition().apply { duration = 0L })
Amagi82 commented 5 years ago

GrafOrlov's fix reduced the blinking for me, but it was still noticeable. Removing the fade animation that's automatically added to an AutoTransition appears to do the trick.

fun BottomNavigationView.fixBlinking() {
    val menuView = getChildAt(0) as BottomNavigationMenuView
    with("set")) {
        isAccessible = true
        val transitionSet = (get(menuView) as AutoTransition).apply {
            for (i in transitionCount downTo 0) {
                val transition = getTransitionAt(i) as? Fade ?: continue
        set(menuView, transitionSet)
michaldrabik commented 5 years ago

This is getting more and more ugly :)

hunterstich commented 4 years ago

Hey all,

So this ended up being caused by an api change in Q which affected the Transition used to animate BottomNavigationView menu items.

This has been fixed by bumping the version of androidx.transition that the lib uses. In the meantime, you can manually include implementation androidx.transition:transition:1.2.0-rc01 or greater in your build file's dependencies to get around this.

txhai commented 4 years ago

This happens when I try to check active item manually too BottomNavigationView.getMenu().getItem(index).setChecked(true) Add implementation androidx.transition:transition:1.2.0-rc01 doesn't fix

sinienfin commented 4 years ago

Add implementation androidx.transition:transition:1.2.0-rc01 doesn't fix this issue.

antonKozyriatskyi commented 4 years ago

@hunterstich neither transition:1.2.0-rc01 nor newer versions fix this issue. Can you, please, reopen it?

soshial commented 4 years ago

androidx.transition:transition:1.3.0-rc02 didn't fix the bug for me either

kenumir commented 4 years ago

androidx.transition:transition:1.3.1 didn't fix the bug

boldijar commented 4 years ago

Any fix?

Kotlinovsky commented 4 years ago

Any updates?

jeannegarciano commented 4 years ago

Any updates?

Apply @hunterstich 's answer, add that library to your gradle and the blinking will vanish. I stumbled upon this issue last night and his solution fixed the issue.

h4rz commented 4 years ago

@hunterstich's answer isn't working anymore neither @Amagi82's workaround.

Any other workaround/fix?

hunterstich commented 4 years ago

@h4rz Do you have a sample that reproduces this that I can use to look into what might be happening?

codespearhead commented 2 years ago

@h4rz Do you have a sample that reproduces this that I can use to look into what might be happening?

There you go: bug: BottomNavView's unselected items flicker

Notice what happens to text "Relatórios", located in the lower left-hand corner of the screen, in the bottom navigation menu, when the other item, labelled "Sobre Nós", is selected. The blinking only happens on the first tap on the other button and vice-versa.

You might need to open the video in full screen to see the flickering happen.

What I have tried:

Video of the Bug

freaksgit commented 2 years ago

It's possible to override transition duration using ThemeOverlay


    <style name="ThemeOverlay.BottomNavView" parent="">
        <item name="motionDurationLong1">0</item>

And then use the theme in your layout:

mosmb commented 1 year ago

Bumping androidx.transition does not solve the issue. Any update on this? Tested with 1.9.0-rc01

stevezuju commented 1 year ago

Tested with 1.11.0-alpha01 do not fix

ericbateman commented 4 months ago

Looks like we have to now use

<style name="ThemeOverlay.BottomNavView" parent="">
        <item name="motionDurationMedium4">0</item>