material-components / material-components-web

Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for the web
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MDC Select focus color is not themeable #2360

Open daneren2005 opened 6 years ago

daneren2005 commented 6 years ago

What MDC Web Version are you using?


What browser(s) is this bug affecting?


What are the steps to reproduce the bug?

Create a custom theme and click inside of a select. While the focus is on the select, the underline will be themed correctly, but the select text will still be using color:rgba(98,0,238,.87) instead of the primary colors you selected. It shouldn't matter but here is the theme I am applying in case it does:

#app {
    --mdc-theme-primary: #03A9F4;
    --mdc-theme-primary-light: #90CAF9;
    --mdc-theme-primary-dark: #1976D2;
    --mdc-theme-secondary: #5C6BC0;
    --mdc-theme-secondary-light: #9FA8DA;
    --mdc-theme-secondary-dark: #1A237E;

I am using mdc-vue-adapter 0.11.2, but I was able to trace the problem back to material-components-web.min.css so I don't think that should matter. The offending line is: .mdc-select:not(.mdc-select--disabled) .mdc-select__surface:focus .mdc-select__label{color:rgba(98,0,238,.87)}

patrickrodee commented 6 years ago

Thanks for submitting an issue. Given that you've managed to track down the exact line where this occurs, I'm going to add the help-wanted tag to this.

Feel free to open a pull request resolving this issue. We're always happy to get community bug fixes!


daneren2005 commented 6 years ago

I know where the problem is in the compiled css, but I have no idea how to use scss files since I have never used them in one of my projects before. I am guessing that the problem is from but I have no idea how to change that to be a var in the resulting css instead of a compiled in color.

realtux commented 6 years ago


    color:var(--mdc-theme-primary, #6200ee)

I tried finding this in the packages folder, but couldn't.

asyncLiz commented 4 years ago

This is still affecting select v4. We should not use prop-value in the focsed-label-color mixin

@mixin focused-label-color($color) {
  &:not(.mdc-select--disabled) {
    &.mdc-select--focused .mdc-floating-label {
-     @include$color));
+     @include$color);